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Why worry about aim when they fuked the guns so badly? its not even worth using them since there is no fukin ammo .... this game is so ****in gay now ... thank god our clan has its own server so we dont have to run this piece of **** patch

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I use this script for f1 to switch 1stP w/o dynamic ch to 3rdP to with dynamic ch and back.


But anyway, 3rd person isn't very good for guns. It ever drops my framerate.


set tview1 "cg_thirdPerson 1; cg_dynamicCrosshair 1; bind f1 vstr tview0"

set tview0 "cg_thirdPerson 0; cg_dynamicCrosshair 0; bind f1 vstr tview1"

bind f1 "vstr tview1"

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