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Sneaking Around


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Hey, i'm stuck on the mind trick level.


I'm at the part where you enter one door and directly come to another. When you go inside, two storm troopers and an officer are visible. However, the guy that hits the security switch (as soon as you make a move) is in a secluded room.


How do i get passed this part?



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Sithtrainer forgot to mention that the light switch is on the upper level.


Before you go in the room's first door, look up and left of the door, there's a hole in the wall. Jump up to it and go inside. To your left will be a control panel, ahead of you is a Power Droid to recharge your batteries. When you hit that, the lights will go out, but be prepared to move quickly. Have mindtrick ready, and your low light goggles and stay crouched the whole time.


Turn off the lights, turn on your goggles and drop into the room. Get to the other side (there's a door there) as quick as you can, mind tricking anyone in the way.


MAKE SURE YOU STAY CROUCHED WHEN YOU OPEN THE DOOR AND WALK IN, OTHERWISE YOU'LL GET CAUGHT. You should stay crouched until the door locks behind you.


You have about 10-15 seconds before the lights come back up.

Make sure you save your game BEFORE opening the next door, as you're past most of the level...


Depending on your difficulty level, be prepared to move quick in the next room....

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