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A few more bugs...


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In the Cloud City Streets level, when you meet the first Reborn who jumps from a ledge near the two podcars... shoot or saberthrow at the Reborn before he hits the ground and he'll land and stay frozen in a blocking position.


On Cairn Bay (I think ... it's the stealth level) when I got up to the top of the room this time through the game (it didn't happen last time) all of the enemies had disappeared. Also I could jump from the highest point in the docking bay all the way to the bottom and recieve zero damage. (I repeated this several times and it happened consistently).


When on dissan's ship, in the area where you control r5 droids... the droid got destroyed just as I was hitting the switch on one of the doors and I got stuck in the droid's perspective. The droid was dead but I couldn't get back to Kyle's perspective.

On that same level on the tram cars... use force speed, activate the switch in the car, and then run in the tramcar's doorway keeping the door from closing. The switches will procede down the track by themselves. As soon as you step out of the doorway back into the tramcar, it starts moving. Eventually the car will overtake the switches and they will appear back in the appropriate places.

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