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Give it some time...


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I'm not going to go into what I think is good or bad about the new patch... that has already been done to death here and everyone seems to have their own opinions, depending on which aspect of the game they enjoy most.


The only thing I have to add is to give the patch some time... get used to it. The worst thing people can do now is to simply refuse to use the patch, as so many clans are starting to do. This will only result in no more patches in the near future, or ever. If, however, we all play with the patch a couple of good things happen, at the expense of a few, potentially boring, days.

1) We learn how to get around the current annoyances... I remember when I got the game it took me at least a week of practice to counter Drain, another week working against people who combo/spam push/pull/kick and another week after that perfecting saber blocking. Just give the current version some time for us to get used to it... I'm already getting a lot better at doing the kick flip, even with the double tap.

2) Most importantly, after we learn how to get around things, we are left with a few things that may still be unbalanced (the ammo issue purhaps). Then, we can compile a list for Raven in a clear and concise manner and they will have proof of what we speak. Right now, there aren't even any 1.03 servers up for them to go see what moves are being abused! Trust me, this will work out in the long run.


So basically, I just encourage people to keep playing the new version instead of reverting back to the old one. Sure, there seems to be some problems now, but many will probably be bypassed, and those that aren't can be fixed. Whining won't solve anything, but playing and learning and suggesting WILL get the game balanced in the long run. You just have to have some patience :)

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Very well said Andy;)

--It's a Human given, People don't like change at first whether it's good or bad. People don't like change just because it'd different from what they're initially used to. I give a it a week or so then we'll start seeing Positive threads regarding various patch changes.;)

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