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The new patch and TWL


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They've seemed to vote it down. Therefore, if you're going to be competitive (I assume this will include the JK2x2 tournament.) Do NOT use the patch. For conformation check http://www.teamwarfare.com, as well as the TWL forums for JK2. Also, there's still some spots open on the aforementioned JK2x2, for those who don't know, it's a 2 vs 2 dueling tournament. If you're interested, I'd sign up now. If the past is any indication the spots will fill up quick.

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Actually I'm not sure how long this will last. I think Polaris saw tons of negative feedback and decided to be safe and say stick with 1.02. It seems the negative feedback has been more than just your typical patch whining, however we cant expect people to stay back to an old patch just for TWL matches... don't expect the no-1.03 twl thing to stick for very long.




TeamWarfare.com RTCW & JK2 Admin

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It really screws up the dynamic of CTF and ff guns, 2 categories that are heavily ladden with competitive players.


Makes sense not to support it until the next patch, it was a reactionary patch and this is a reactionary solution.

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