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The new Patch "sucks"

- PzY -

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Okay, I know I have a lot of agreement here, so I'm just making a thread about how much everyone thinks it "sucks".

I personally only play Saber only CTF and Saber Only limited or no force duels. Now the aspect of using the saber has been ruined. Sure heavy is at least somewhat "fixed", but look at medium now. Spins are next to impossible, the saber is difficult to control, and fluid movement is a thing of the past. The game is now more than ever entirely about luck. The blocking system now is *MUCH* better, but too many things are not. In saber only duels people will use nothing but heavy. Why? Because medium is useless. Abuse no longer exists in nf servers, but in servers with full force, lightning is the overpowered crap everyone has to deal with. You used to heal when damaged by lightning. Now heal is much more fair- and lightning was not tweaked whatsoever. It wrecks havoc. Period. Grip was weakened a little too much for my liking, as well, but I could learn to live with a weaker grip. Push and Pull also seem to be slightly "bugged"- they work too much of the time. You can be standing still without using any force and sometimes push or pull (both) will work. From in front of you. Yes. This doesn't seem fair, but I could deal with this.

What I would like to personally see is another patch- one that makes saber only duels more fun. The damage is great, the control of the saber is not. Sparks from good defense are great, fluid motion and "skill" is gone. The heavy jump is great. Light now defends exactly the same as the others, making it relatively more useless. The range on it's fast spins make it still rarely useful. Light was good for defending on the "regular" (not spin, heavy, uppercut, dfa both med and heavy, etc) attacks before, and it's speed and controlability made it rarely useful. Now it is not even that.


Change ideas? Most developers do not like this, or at least beta game developers do not like specific ideas. Here are my thoughts.

Make med saber easier to control and faster than heavy again. Make spins possible, but not abusable. Possibly make the "dfa" easier, but that's just because I suck at doing it :p.

Leave heavy similar to as it is.

Change the light system. Make the attacks more fluent and possibly slightly better range. Make the defense work faster/ have less of a "cooldown" from attacks.

Make lightning require more force.

Get optimizations for saber duels.. my framerate on some maps has dropped DRAMATICALLY because of how the saber hogs resources now. This might not be necessary, as my comp does suck, but it would be nice :p.


I could go on with more, but these seem to be the most "global" changes, as in I am not too specific on what I ask for. Just trying to help. You hate the patch? Post here and stay civil. Maybe that way at least someone's ideas will be listened to. Also might cut down on the flames


(poor grammar to show what I have seen before :p).


Just my ideas... probably not the best, but oh well. Once again, just trying to help this game to survive and possibly make the mods' job easier. Cut it down: Just trying to help.

That's it for my rant.

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