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Xsi Plugin For 3dsmax! Right Here!


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im not gonna lie to you, download Kazaa, and then Download 3Dstudio Max 4.2, if you have cable it takes 10 mins. full version and yes its technically "illegal" but like ive posted before, unless you know the "Internet Police" (hahahahahahahahhahaha) its nothing to bother about.




now im personally against piracy, BUT when companies try to sell there 80 meg product for 500$ i think its a little much, dont you?

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The plug in comes with the gdk... so... uhh.... most people have it!

alo the FULL 3ds max wouldnt take ten minutes, i bought mine form ebay, and bought the upgrade... but the 3.1 c is well over 500mb.... i think 650.... any who, my point is it would take longer as cable is 500-1mb kps ... and... well it could take about 500-1thousnad minues.... and then theres their connectoiont hat cna slow it down, an if they go off line nad theres no more sources... sooo... just go buy it its better... as u get the books and stuff.... well.. 3ds max.. i dont suggest buying soft image as its 35 thousand dollars or so... dont us eitm max is good enough.

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shawny it doesnt mean u can make your own aniktions.. all it means is you can import the current xsi models,(storm trooper and kyle) and use their bones for animation... also dar cloack md3's are not used at all in jk2 for charatcer, only for wepaons and map objects... all characters in game are glm, ghoul or what ever.. soo. yeh.. though to make a glm you woudl ahev to compile a car file or somehting like thta..

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It says that you can import AND *EXPORT* XSI models with the plugin i listed. Given that, if you still cannot make your own animations i would be damned suprised.


Export means that you take what you have made, and put it into another file format, thus making it compatible with another application.:p;)

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last time i tried the SI version, it didn't support max 4.0 bones. so we wrote our own. if you use ours, we found a bug in the xporter if you import a root.xsi.


The error we have is that the exporter will always create a root node called:

SI_Model MDL-model_root


So, if you import one of ours, just delete that node right away.

If you're building from scratch, then you shouldn't have this problem.

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Originally posted by Shawny

so does this mean you can add your own animations


yes. if you follow our bone nameing structure, then you can make your own animations. the easiest way is to match our animation.cfg exactly. otherwise, you can make up your own but you need to make sure you get the main ones in or it won't work.

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