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How I feel about the patch

NI Knight of Ni

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First off let me point out that I am satified with the changes in the patch and was personally looking forward to the update. However, I work in the retail and repair industry with computers and would like to point out a possible complication with the patch.


I have had to move my jedi knight ii folder to the E: drive of my server so I could make room for expanding applications.


This has caused the patch to think that I nolonger have a copy of Jedi Knight II, or that my copy is currupt.


I think that this patchin process has been done poorly and should be restructured. As in other games, other than auto patching, there has been the use of Zip files. Which ofcourse are more difficult. But a zipped setup executeable would be more widely usefulor an option to choose a folder to install, or locate the game folder automaticly. Any of these options would allow for smoother patching.

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:rolleyes: The patch itself is good. I've been thinking, and have come to the conclusion that no matter how you modify the game, there will always be a way to cheap shot someone. I removed the patch from the game, and although I'd rather face a lunger over a pull-special, I like the way things are going with the patch, so Im going to reinstall the update.


This isn't going to be the last update is it? Can you personally apply a run_speed adjustment? Like that one guy said. Backpeddling should be slower to make the duels slightly more interesting. The spin attack I found but its pretty useless, and the duels have no style to them now.



I've tried to use forward and left plus jump to run up walls but the forward+left keys negate my jump. [shift] is my jump key.


Anyways. GJ on the patch, but we'd like some of the original moves back.

(ie. Spin Attack, Kick, and um... maybe another adjustment to absorb?):confused:

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