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Looking for Bespin Void?


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It took me a week (off and on) to make this map. Yeah, I tested out the map many times and tweaked it so that I kept it to a constant 60 fps on my system. I notice on some of the Raven maps, my fps goes down to 30-40 fps. Using too many shaders and curves bogs down the system and are only pretty. Thanks for your input.


UPDATE: The people at JediKnightii.net fixed the link. Thanks guys!

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Oh, that's cool. I didn't even ask them to post it! I guess they picked it up on JK2.net and liked it. Now, to fix those darn brushes that have the odd water sound... (wall-walk on the shaft wall, you'll know what I'm talking about)


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There are also some water-sound-making brushes on the flat area above the doors (beneath the orange lights but above the door).


My only comment is that this map requires disciplined, mature duelists to be fun... otherwise it's just a push/pull/gripfest.


Of course that's true of any one-wrong-step-and-die map... :D


I did find particularly fun nearly killing a friend of mine and jumping up to a higher beam to taunt him... he would heal then come up to meet me. We'd do the same and whoever was doing better would jump up to the top again to fight again... Then at the very top of the shaft, the battle climaxed and I knocked him down and shoved him off the top pipes to his doom!


Just the way a duel map should be in my opinion, designed to keep the people in spec entertained. :p

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Thanks! Yeah, I played a lot of duel matches and of course did my time in spectator mode before I made this map. Having more places to go and places to hide definitely keeps it interesting since some people aren't exactly chatty while waiting to fight. I posted a topic about the water brushes and I'm hoping some of the more experienced mappers can lend a hand.

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