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This patch is very frustrating


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k first off DFa was a great weapon before the patch. one could easily beet it if they knew what they where doing.


Now its worthless


Secondly I invite you to try and defeat me whilst i use absorb and you use dark side forces.

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Then another guy is bitching about how absorb is invisible now.

Oh no, he takes all my mana. waa waa I can't grip him off a ledge.

First of all it costs mana to use absorb, and it doesn't just fill you up every time someone lightnings, grips you. It is no easier to be light side than it was before. Quit making excuses for your lack of skill.


Mana is low cost for absorb. Absorb lasts 30 seconds at its max, it takes about 1 of those units of force per 5 seconds... lets see, you lose 6 units of force for 30 seconds of otherworldly protection... Hmm can you say overpowered?

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Thankfully we can all look ahead 3 months from now when the DFA whiners complain about the NEXT exploit they patch.


If you don't want to practice, of course they want DFA! That is the only reason to use an exploit.


Have fun with the newbies on the old versions! Only newbie server ops don't update. Why? Cuz MOST people are sick of your tricks! :atat:

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Being a light jedi, I strangely have to agree with wiggles on the absorb thing. I don't believe absorb can be abused, as it is purely defensive. No defensive power can be abused. The notion of that is kind of silly. However, I did enjoy it more the way it used to be. I very much enjoyed being one of the few light sides users, as opposed to feeling like I'm picking on a few dark jedi. I like the way absorb works now, I just don't like the crowds of light jedi that realize that light side force is actually useful. As far as wasting your force power on someone with absorb on, just give 'em a little push. If they glow blue, then they're using absorb, and you should stab them. I would very much like the remaining dark jedi out there to find some incredible way to beat the hell out of absorb, so I can go back to feeling like I'm not on the newbie team.

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I've found it takes way more skill to get a kill now then it did with 1.02. This isn't supposed to be straight up deathmatch, people. This is an entirely different style of gameplay, where it takes time and effort to get a kill. Geez.

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there is no way heh.


Would be fine but for some reason everyone is ulti mate block!


I turned my defense down to 0 now hehe


Dont matter I block every friggen shot with defense at 100 or 0 :p


and absorb is still to imbalanced

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Man oh man... This IS getting sad... Hypocrits? YEAH! thats one word for em all...


This patch does NOT suck....


The reason people are bitching is mostly because of what some people have said... thier prescious ego bossting score has teken a hit because a guy or gal who actually knows how to play the game can beat the pants off them now...


Just last night some loser was on the server, feeling it was nescessary to bitch about how the game sucks now... How DFa was removed (which it wasn't) and how saber fighting takes now skill now to do... He was laughed and beaten off the damn server...


Before he left of course some dork showed him the pull backstab move, and he racked up about 10 kills in 2 minutes with it... Then cackled and left...


to those who think saber fighting requires no skill now, you are DEAD, and I mean DEAD wrong...


They take about equal skill... Is someone is being a headless chicken then use that god like blocking power to protect your self, you act like there is no defense for it for phucks sake!


The day before the patch I had finaly gotten the hang of saber fighting the way I wanted too, i was owning the server, taking on 2-5 at a time and giving as good as I got...


The new patch was released...


I sat down and played... the first half hour sucked... I'll give you that... I was almost as frustrated as at first... i had half a mind to hate the new patch, thinking they wen't wrong somewhere...


I played for another half hour, and realised it works a LOT like it did before, except now you just have to hit a bit more, switch styles, and know the combo's besides DFA, and be able to do them instantly.


By the two hour mark i was right back to where I was prepatch... Except now I was enjoying every second of it with a bit more intesnity...


i am not some saber code member or otherwise... I am not someone new to these kinds of games, and I am not a 12 year old... (though I might write like one sometimes heheh)


the point is, some people have legitimate reasons for not liking the new game, although I feel these gripes are largly stylistic, and not technically oriented...


Technically with a few minor exceptions (which I am sure will soon be exploited), this patch has done more to make this game playable in MP, than most of the complainers realize...


Besides in 6 months when the next patch comes out, everyone will be bitching 1.03 is the best so you know what?


to me most of you complainers who return your games, quit, or don't play 1.03, or even better yet, don't try to adapt will be absolutely no skin off my nose... you can and will be replaced, or killed by the ones who master the new saber combat style...


It's heartless, it's cruel, but I just can't take this anymore...


Before the whining was over obvious bugs, but now it's pointless opinionated debate about which was the better patch...


i have yet to see one threadabout how it sucks now that states in clear cut reasons why it sucks, with the exception of the pull backstab spam complaints...


Overall if you don't thinnk the game is balanced for the better now, too bad... your SOL... (speaking to saber only folks out there, since I don't play gun servers so I have no opinion on guns now)


Why? because it is, and tats probably why you can't win anymore, or rack up kills... As for dueling? i can see where waiting ten minutes for your turn can be a bad thing... I really can...so I feel for you in this respect... but do what I did... go on a FFA server and just duel people there... same damn thing, cept now you can be actiuve while waiting for your chance to hit K.


If all you do is play to be high on the kill chart, then master the new styles... if your style is to be cheesy like my friends 12 year old brother, then what can I say... the ADULTS have won yet another round... THANK GOd for that...


As for complaints in general... complaints = good, but this is getting WAY out of hand, heck it was way out of hand before the patch, and is downright disgusting now...


this game rocked before, and only rocked harder now... Get over yourselves...

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