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Sorry, boys: MP still sucks.


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EDIT:<------69 posts....heh.....:EDIT



Skidrow: And who are you to deem what is realistic in a starwars game? IS Starwars realistic? No, and I dont think any game based on it tries to be. And a Jedi can jump that high becuase they have the ability to MANIPULATE MATTER.


"They are soooo unrealistic, i mean, what laser gun (e-11) fires that fast with that much accuracy? None that i can think of."


Which laser gun was it that fired that fast and was realistic? I was under the impression there werent any laser guns currently existant in the real world. Maybe you should go outside every once in a while

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The pull and then red backstab really isnt that hard to counter.


It suprised me the first few times but its fairly easy to counter on both light and dark. With light you have absorb and with dark you have drain.


Airborn attacks work fairly well (and if they do catch you with a pull then generally youll end up going past them and out of range of the stab)


The dfa also works well as the ones who spam the move will pull you into them and kill themselves :D

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

EDIT:<------69 posts....heh.....:EDIT



Skidrow: And who are you to deem what is realistic in a starwars game? IS Starwars realistic? No, and I dont think any game based on it tries to be. And a Jedi can jump that high becuase they have the ability to MANIPULATE MATTER.


"They are soooo unrealistic, i mean, what laser gun (e-11) fires that fast with that much accuracy? None that i can think of."


Which laser gun was it that fired that fast and was realistic? I was under the impression there werent any laser guns currently existant in the real world. Maybe you should go outside every once in a while


I really hope you are being sarcastic as well there.

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Originally posted by Skidrowpunk

mIRC i didn't think i'd ever see someone so incredibly stupid. But, you seemed to have proven me wrong. I made it so Painfuly obviouse, that a 2 year old could have gotten the underlying point. Incase you haven guessed by now, that post was made in Satire, or, for a moronlike you to understand, SARCASM!


Agh! I screwed up big time, heh.


People are so stupid on these forums that seems like a "viable" post.

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I think that the patch makes the game more Star Wars like. Wheather that's conducive to a magnificent MP game or not, is still up in the air. The problem, as mentioned before, is the players. Most people are selfish and just want to rack up kills. They are the ones that will exploit the bitch moves, and use them non-stop. Asking Raven to make it whore-proof so to speak is sort of dumb if you ask me.


I the game is well balanced. Now, they didn't make is so that as soon as you get attacked with a force power, you just hit the appropriate counter, and bam no damage taken. There is a sort of ramdoness to the combat, that I think is a bit more true to life.


Let me ask you guys something. Does anyone ever play that ladder level where they send waves of Reborn after you?

I love it and I play it with g_saberrealisticcombat 3.

This makes it so most (not all) saber contact dismembers. -Just like the real thing. Many times I would be kicking ass, then some Reborn would get a lucky shot in, or I would leave my self open, then woops, I'm dead. -As it should be. This is how the patch works now. You have to slow down all that wild flailing that people to in MP games. (try that in the ladder level and see what heppens) Start watching your opponent. Jumping into a jedi orgy in a room is going to get you killed. The smart player WILL do a strong backsweep, to kill off some of the mindless flailers. Most of the combatants are too busy swinging away to realize they left themselves open to that attack. Pick your opponents and fight with skill. There will always be people who stick some one style and even go so far as to spam one move like DFA or kicking, or Drain etc. I usually just run right by them, or try to use some other bitch move on them, then I go back to non-whore-like play.


I think that getting this style of game to work really well in MP is difficult, and I commend Raven for their great work. The balance issues that have come up are so much more numerous than those of a gun-based game, and this is probably the first of several patches that Raven makes. Since they really listened to us in making this patch, it would seem that Raven is experimenting. What company out there listened so closely to it's players, and kept up with the project after release? I think the Raven will stick with us on this one.


Alright I'm done. I'm in class now anyway, so I've had to keep this on the down low. Forgive the type-os and bad grammar.

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Frankly, I find MP to be the most fun part of the game (before AND after the patch).


Why? Well I like the speed, and the variety of Force powers available. I like the competition, and you can train against bots and fill out games that way. You can play on teams or go free for all or one on one. There's so much variety, plus you get mods and stuff.


SP is fun, but it's often a one-shot thing. You beat the game a few times, and you mess around with cheats, but that's all there is. MP is like playing pickup games of basketball.. the game is always fun because your opponents potentially bring in new stuff every time. I do wish you could record demos in SP though, there were some great moments I'd like to replay....

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Yah i totally agree. Multiplay is what makes games unique. SP may be fun but im sure it gets old after you've killed desann 20 times on all difficulties (tho i've yet to beat the game the first time i spend all my time in mp challenging ppl to duels).

Anyways MP is what makes the game fun and unique. Sure you can go and turn on all the hacks and just dismember people until there are bloody body parts strewn everywhere but eventually you will still get bored. MP challenges you to continually improve and think on your toes cause everyone around you is continually improving and even better, IMPROVISING.

Playing MP for 5 days got me to a place where i could fight in TFFA against all 5 opposing players with only my light saber and win(not using any gay moves in fact i used med stance the entire time)... of course i got rocketed when i stopped to gloat but that's beside the point. The point is that MP challenges you because it has an infinite amount of variance. If you play this game for fun and challenge as i hope we all do then the only way to improve is to pit yourself against others who are better than you.. and lose if necessary in order to become better and have fun.

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oh yah i forgot to mention the other great part of MP. MENTORS. I learned everything that other people learn in weeks all in one night. that whole learn to use the saber in 5 days thing isnt a joke. If Jedi Master Paladyne reads this i would like to thank him for answering all of my questions and spending almost an hour of time teaching me how to play and saber. This is probably my favorite part of MP cause right from the start i had a great button setup, knew what forces to use and when, and learned how to effectively counter almost everything. This is what true MP should be like and i appreciate Master Paladyne for all his help

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Originally posted by Zek

Solution to Push, Pull, Drain, Lightning, and Grip: Absorb. If you're playing the Dark Side, you knowingly open yourself up to the above moves, and you have no right to complain.


Yah, that's REALLY balanced. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by hyrit

Ugh, I promised myself I wouldn't post about the patch, but here goes...


At least when people were DFAing, dumb as it was, it was at least resembling something a Jedi might do... But now I commonly see people head into battle walking backwards. I don't see people pull and swipe...I just see them back into a crowded area and swipe, killing 3 people at once. And is it just me, or is the backswipe pretty much unblockable?


Yep, time to go back to 1.02 - at least even DFA was easier to counter.

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Most of you people need to get your head out of your ass. This is a FPS shooter not a RPG. You cant be saying "oh a jedi wouldn't do that its not honorable!". People are caniving(sp?), tricky, most are out to be the best and you have to be even more sly to win. I can kick ass in a nf force game just as well as a Force game(majority of the time in 1st or 2nd place). But after having played both a number of times I prefer the force server. Force servers just take much more skill. There is just so much more you have to look out for and be able to counter that it is just a constant rush. And for the person who said pull will always knock the opponent to the ground needs to go do some more testing. Pull will only pull someone to the ground if they are performing some action(same with push). If they are not the person will just be pulled but will stay on their feet. So just have some patience wait for the guy to attack and go in for the kill. In closing everything in this game can easily be countered you just need to try things out and adapt.

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Yep, time to go back to 1.02 - at least even DFA was easier to counter.


What's so hard about backing off half a step and pointing your saber downward? Or even rolling backward?


At least they're pinned to the ground during backstab.



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the drain nerf did do some unexpected damage in my opinion to the balance vs lightning...


I was all for balancing drain VS absorb... My whole point of view though was to make absorb more effective, heal a tad bit less effective, and keep drain as it was...


Accept now we have a problem...


Lightning and drain... If your a dark jedi, drain is usualy the very first thing you want to do against a lighting user. Sure there are other things, but drain is the most reliable...


Now however, it is nearly worthless... at least by itself, since it takes more mana to drain through a lightning attack than it takes to use lightning and be drained...


i tested it tonight about a dozen times, and the guy could outblast me with lightning every time... we both had full force mana, and level three of lightning and drain for this test...


so now, the dark jedi have a nerf on them in a way that only hurts other dark jedi...


Now before you all start your weak ass comments about how I am a drain whore, or a dark force slut, remember as I have said many times, to me half the fun is playing both any time I want...


i play as dark and light about equaly depending on my mood and the tactics of the enemies that are the most dangerous at that time.


Now when I enctounter a team using lightning I have to go light if I want a chance to survive it, at least an equal chance.


true it's not horrible, or unplayable, and to be honest this patch has rocked so far with these two exceptions. Overal I was pleased with it... But after finding that my way of using drain was nerfed as well, I feel a bit jipped...


thus how about instead of nerfing drain so much they bring it back to what it was. currenly IMHO light siders have a slight advantage so long as they have a clue as to what to do.


for example as a light sider I went back and mopped up the team that just triple teamed me with grip lightning and drain, while I was a dark jedi.


i couldn't do that before with how nerfed drain is...


I'm not looking for an advantage over the poor sods who got screwed over in 1.02 days. I never personal whored drain... though some people must have, either that or light side users are stupid, and I doubt that is the case...


so maybe as I said keep drain as it was, OR make it last a tiny bit longer taking less force from an enemy, but healing for a longer period of time to counter lightning?


As I said I timed it, and every single attempted I was shocked from between 10-20 hit points of damage.


10-20 points I could not get back now since my target was bone dry on force powers...


I figured out I can time it so I start the drain a second or two AFTER they start lightning and come out with equal or positive health, but god forbid I am in the 10-40 mark of health, I am deader than dead now unless I run like a coward...


And as I said, I'm not pissed I am dying to lightning as a rule... just that in the manual and in many other sources, drain is the perfect counter to lightning, in fact with the exception of absorb, it is the best, and only REAL way to counter lightning without using bacta, med kits, and moves that work less often that drain does now.


For gods sake PLEASE don't nerf lightning, I never use it, but I don't want to hear more bitching about some other nerf... Lightning itself is just fine IMHO, but the counter is now unbalanced in termsof dark siders.


Until it's fixed all I can REALLY do to ensure I won't be lightning spammed now by another dark jedi, is go on a NF server, or one that limits the teams so red is dark side, and blue is lightside.


this isn't a rant or whine, and if you think it is, go tell it to someone who cares, I like this new patch to much to rant or whine about it. Overal in my book the patch gets a 9 out of a possible ten. and an A++ for raven for listening and acting... sure maybe that pisses you off, but I would prefer getting my game hurt that way, than by having a company that just comes to the boards, and says: Practice more, till you get better, and deal with it until then... Ravens patch 1.03= good thing that just needs a few more tweaks to be perfect... overal one of the best and most well thought out patches for a game so shortly after release...



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Originally posted by Lime-Light

EDIT:<------69 posts....heh.....:EDIT



Skidrow: And who are you to deem what is realistic in a starwars game? IS Starwars realistic? No, and I dont think any game based on it tries to be. And a Jedi can jump that high becuase they have the ability to MANIPULATE MATTER.


"They are soooo unrealistic, i mean, what laser gun (e-11) fires that fast with that much accuracy? None that i can think of."


Which laser gun was it that fired that fast and was realistic? I was under the impression there werent any laser guns currently existant in the real world. Maybe you should go outside every once in a while




I hope to god that you were being sarcastic, because my entire post was Satire. :rolleyes:

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