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Hanger of Tie fighters


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Dude tells me to find base commander but every door is a dead end. I went through the vent area but how do you get down the shaft, and is that where i need to go, how do i get the doors unlocked. This is all just frustrating. I just got the game last week and already having hard time. Please help me:mob:

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Did you go through the grate in the wall where the small catwalk is? There's a small catwalk between two doors, accessed from the upper level of the TIE bay.


There's a grate you can bust open in the wall. Head through there and you should be able to drop down an air shaft. There's a fan below that slows your descent, just look for a better place to land than the fan blades...

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Oops, when i came to that section i didn't realise the fan slowed your descent, so i painstakingly made my way down by jumping onto the light fittings on the side of the tube.


Ah well, at least it killed about 3 hours of my time!


Reminds me of a bit in half life with the fan and 'leap of faith'

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