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backstab for the lazy


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well since the new patch has ruined saber combat i have no quams about releasing this little script i wrote for jk2


it allows u to preform the backstab in single key press


place the following text in file say backstab.cfg thats in ur base foler under jk2


then exec backstab.cfg at the console


heres the script


set quicklookdown "cl_yawspeed 5000 ; +left ; wait; wait; wait; wait; `wait; wait; wait; wait; -left; cl_yawspeed 140"

set superjump "vstr quicklookdown ; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; +back ; wait; +attack ; wait; wait; -attack; -back ;"

bind "s" "vstr superjump"



its spins u 180 degrees(or pretty close to it)


pauses then goes back and attacks then exits


so to use it u must be facing ur target head on


so for instance i pull somone to the ground in front of me i make sure to focus sqaure on to them and pres the key and preform the backstab


damn im a lazy bitch

this is ver similar to say a rocket jump script in q2 or q3






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