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Rogue jedi still waiting for a Challange


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Ive left several posts about Rogue Jedi wanting any clan to step up to the plate.


We see all these clans recruiting, so you must have players by now. We consist of 9 players. But thats is all we need.


If you are a Saber Clan and you feel up to the challange? Drop us a line. We can also be found DOMINATING the Gamespy.com server.


http://www.roguejedi.assocltd.com/ is our site. And no we do not need a fancy site. Our sabers will do all the talking.




Jedi Master

Rogue Jedi Clan

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Well, I could challenge you to spell correctly, but instead will keep it to just your boastful attitude. If your clan lets their sabers do the talking why are phrases such as:

"We can also be found DOMINATING the Gamespy.com server"

necessary. It would seem that is a mouth talking, and a rather big one at that.


We would welcome a match, in good spirits, with your clan. We, like many others out there I am sure, have a place in the forums on our website just for accepting challenges from other teams. You can find us at:



May the Force be with you, and perhaps a dose of humility also.

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I will be sure to add Spell Check as a Force Power in the game if that makes you happy?


Your clans needs only to name time and place. Or for that fact? You and I could square off?


Any server. Any Rules.

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Okay, with that being said. I do believe its time to gather a few members from both clans and set up a place and time too meet in battle.


Saturday Night or Sunday Afternoon works for most of us.


Terms: Sabers Only


Any Map

Kill Limit:20

Time Limit: 30 minutes

No force. Saber throw allowed.


I think these terms are fair for both sides. All will be dependent on saber skill.


Please let me know if these terms are good for you. If not? We are open to suggestion.

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As I said, we would welcome any match with good spirits. I sense anger and hostility on your part :) Seriously, we're not looking for grudge matches, and have no point to prove. My original reply was intended merely to point out that you were contradicting yourself by boasting and saying that your sabers do the talking all in one post. Unfortunately this seems to have elevated somewhat.


Of course now will probably come the obligatory response saying how afraid we must be, etc etc. Or perhaps you'll surprise me!

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Let me know when you are ready. Im on at various times throughout the week.


And to respond to your last question, Im 30. Age has nothing to do with sparking a little bit of competition. It is what this game needs in order to be successful.


As far as the "Kiddie-Clans" are concerned? Rogue jedi is far from it. Yes, I do list myself as "Jedi master". That is because I started this clan as well as train all of my Jedi Knights.


Yes, we do role play. And there is a large amount of respect for other clans. But when I see someone like Kiell taling his junk and coming off like he and The Knights are all high and mighty. Expect to see a response. Plain and simple.


Kiell, following you around the forums is not a major concern. But when I pop in to read a posting and see your rantings. Yes, Im going to respond.


Having said that. There are no hostile feelings. None whatso ever. Its a game. If the Knights would like to have a few friendly duels? We can arrange that sometime this weekend. Barring that the wife doesnt go into labor...lol Soon enough though.


Let me know what you gentleman decide. brianduschel@comcast.net



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