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strange ai

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I've got a little problem at the map editor: I wanted to build a 3v3 game as I did it in Starcraft (one player with two CPU vs. 3 CPU, all on strongest level). At my first try I set at the diplomacy menu 2 CPU and one player in a team and the 3 other CPUs as opponents. The result was that the 2 CPUs cancelled the alliance with the player. At my second try I entered the personality of the two CPUs to "none". The result was, that they do nothing (except getting food from nerfs). They built absolutely nothing.


Is there a possibility to keep the two CPUs in a team with one player that they build as fast as the other 3 CPUs?


Please excuse my english, I live in Germany and have the german version of the game.

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There is and its simple.Just do it the way you did it first, but lock the teams so they can't change.Or if that fails, code a trigger, thats condition is that one of those players changes, and then set the effect to change the diplomacy back to ally.


Hope this helps.

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