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I was quite happy before the patch ... Not a whine ...


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Nice job on the sabers.


Nice job on the stance tweaks - sorta.


But all the other changes need to go - or there needs to be a way to reverse those changes through 'options'.


I feel punished for trying to kick someone - all you did was make it more difficult to do, big deal - it was the only ultra-force balance in the game - because if someone drained you, or had better forces at any point, you could always kick your way out of the situation.


The dark side is painfully nerfed:


Drain is pretty much useless now.


Force grip has next to no power.


Everyone seems to be using absorb.


Lightening seems to be the dark-force choice now - and since drain is nerfed there's no way to counter it.


After checking out the weapon issues - they are correct, you can't kill flag runners and cappers - not enough ammo, etc.


I ask that Raven keep the new lightsaber adjustments but re-consider the other tweaks.


Nerfing those powers, kicks, etc, after we all got used to playing them - hurts the game - a lot.


It feels like it's purely hack and slash and the game has lost its unique quality with the prior "balanced" force powers.


At times certain powers did seem overkill before, but it's nothing like the 'underkill' feel they have now.


There is difference between balancing things by undercutting them and balancing them by excessive powers on each side.


Before the patch, it was a bit excessive on each side - which gave room for lots of strategy and options. Now forces tend to be so underpowered they aren't fun to use anymore.


The game has become boring.


It now feels like Quake 3 with lightsabers.


For now, I'll uninstall, reinstall the non-patched version and hope to find 1.02 servers. If not, find other games to play.


Thank you.



P.S. I apologize if this came across to critical, just trying to be as honest as possible. I do think Raven is the greatest dev around, please don't kill J.O. All I ask for on behalf of us who don't like many of the changes, are options to play most of it like it was.

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