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Raven-Great Patch

Jedi wannabe

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Yes it is a great patch.


Of all the people crying, I havent read anything from any of them that makes them seem like intelligent mature people.


Seems like only the exploiting babies are complaining!


great patch, I hope the Devs read the polls (that show the patch is like by 3 to 1) and ignore the minority of whiners.

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No offense to people who post here, but the person who made this thread seems no more mature than anyone complaining about the patch (however alot of ppl that have posted anti-patch threads have stated them in a mature way). I just want them to make NF games NF again, instead of allowing saber throw and denying me the hvy stance all together. Maybe they'll get that right in 1.04.

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Originally posted by Jedi wannabe

Raven, this was always a great game and this patch maked it better!


To all the whiners


>Sorry you can no longer spam DFA :(

>Learn to use the saber!

>Stop bitching!

>MP not easy enough for ya anymore?

>DFA sucks, Newbs!


1- Who got killed by DFA except noobs like u ???

2- Getting in a random Fight fest Where u can t count on skill to win doesn t need to learn .......well no matter i already learned the NEW saber .....just use dumb Backstab

3-Who is bitchin here ?

4-Ho it is EVEN EASIER now ......just turn absorb now, pull someone and Backstab ...in fact it is not even fun anymore

5-DFA was never used except against noobs

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