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stuck in doom_shields


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ok i was stuck on this last night for like 4 hrs... this where i am. i killed everyone in lvl. got to the middle area by following the pipes where theres a door but u have to jump to it. got a key from the emperial guard. go out side on pipe about 6 stormies run out, kill them... this where im stuck. what do i do with the key all the doors are locked and cannot find the door that needs the key. i noticed where i started from it looks like a lil door on the floor. cannot access it. can somone help me b4 my brain explodes

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continue straight through the door that the troopers came from, and bang an IMMEDIATE right. in that room, two nice troopers will show you the way to the door that requires a key.


the door is easy to miss, especially if you're cruising down the short passages (with the stairs) and looking to either side.


hope this helps.



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This is indeed an easy door to miss. Starting from the door where you began the level, go down two doors. Go inside that door and look to the right. There should be a door there. Go inside and you'll see a locked glass partition. Inside this partition is a switch that will open the hatch-like things you mentioned. Be ready, though, because when you flip the switch, a bunch of Troopers will visit you. I suggest tripmining the joint :)

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