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Keyboard/mouse layout?


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My Mouse is a 5 button M$ Optical Mouse. My far left button is set to Grip I think at the moment. I am planning on changing that since I don't use grip that much. My main left button is set to Alt-Fire, my Middle/Scroll button is to change my weapon and light saber stance. My Right main button is set to walk/run forward, and my far right button is set to ignite/disengage my light saber.




Ctrl = Primary Fire

/? = jump

space = crouch/roll

;: = backward

'"= use force power

[] = scroll through force powers

k= use

-= = scroll through invantory

ENTER = use invantory item



p=3rd person View



Other than that i can't think of anything. Enjoy!!

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I have a 5 button MS optical trackball & a MS natural keyboard


My mouse from left to right:

Button 1 - Fire

Button 2 - Alt fire

Button 3 - Saber stance

Wheel - Cycle weapons

Button 4 - Grip

Button 5 - RW transmit


My keyboard layout (remeber i said its a natural style)


Y - Forward

T - Backward

G - Strafe left

H - Strafe right

B - Crouch

Space - Jump


Force Powers:

U - Push

J - Pull

N - Lightning

I - Drain

K - Speed

M - Dark Rage


Hot Keyed Weapons:

5 - Missile Launcher

6 - Repeater

7 - Light Saber

8 - Flechette Gun

F - Thermal Detonators

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- This is the same layout I've used since Quake II. Works for me.

A S D                  ML MM MR
 Z X C                (Mouse Freelook, Inverted X)

A - Jump                ML - Primary Attack
Z - Crouch              MM - Secondary Attack
space - Jump            MR - Run/Move Forward
C - Crouch

X - BackPedal           Q - Force Push (Grapple, other, etc...)
                       W - Force Pull
S - Sidestep Left
D - Sidestep Right


I've been thinking about getting one of those new Left-Hand FPS controllers. Anyone have one? How do you like it?

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Key layout is personal preference but one useful tip I do have is this:


Mousewheel forward = push

Mousewheel back = pull

Middle Mousewheel = Use selected forcepower


It is unbelievable how push and pull become second nature using this combo. Especially useful in saber fights. Also if you have grip as your selected power try gripping into the air and then nudging the mousewheel forward to send people flying wherever you want them to go (Big drops are my fave).

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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

Key layout is personal preference but one useful tip I do have is this:


Mousewheel forward = push

Mousewheel back = pull

Middle Mousewheel = Use selected forcepower


It is unbelievable how push and pull become second nature using this combo. Especially useful in saber fights. Also if you have grip as your selected power try gripping into the air and then nudging the mousewheel forward to send people flying wherever you want them to go (Big drops are my fave).


Now that is a great Idea. I am trying that when I get home tonight. =D Thanks!!

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The wheel mouse is a saviour. I've also had it on push and pull for a while and I love it. It's so easy.


My two buttons on the mouse are primary and secondary fire. I can't get my button 3 to work. I have to work on that some more. I want that as change saber stance.


esdf - movement

v - crouch

x - use (more for singleplayer)

aq - cycle weapons

wt - cycle force

r - use force

z - lightning (don't like it there though, need to move)

shift - grip (don't use it much though)

c - don't remember


I need to remap some of my force powers, the ones i have now aren't intuitive and I don't use them that much anymore. I use light mostly.


Any suggestions for powers such as seeing, heal absorb and speed.

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ESDF - forward, back, strafe l/r


mouse1 - primary attack

mouse3(wheel button) - secondary attack

mouse2 - jump

mousescroll - change weapon (don't use much)


space - crouch

B - bacta


R - push

W - pull

(these two are really handy)


QTAGZXCV - used for remaining force powers


CAPLOCK - change saber style (also handy)

SHIFT - walk

CTRL - use (single player)

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W - Forward

S - Backward

A - Strafe left

D - Strafe Right

Q - Jump

E - Duck

F - Change Saber Style

Space - Use

Mouse 1 - Primary Fire

Mouse 2 - Secondary Fire

Mouse 3 - Use Force Power

Mouse 3 (Scrolling) - Cycle Force Powers

Next Weapon - X

Previous Weapon - Z

Use Item - Enter

Next Item - M

Previous Item - N

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Finally I've seen someone else who uses mouse2 as jump!


Thomase you don't know how happpy you've made me! And you're first post too! hehe


My 5-button:


mouse1 - primary-fire

mouse2 - jump (don't quite know where/what game I started this)

mouse3 - alt-fire

mouse4 - speed

mouse5 - lightsaber-style

wheelup/down - Force Push/Pull respectively (it's so intuitive and always handy)



esdf - for movement

a - abosrb

q/w - weapon cycling

r/t - force power cycling

g - use item

v/b - cycle items

c - use

shift - use force

space - duck

z - walk

x - saber challange

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Originally posted by Tank_Comie4545

i have the best of them all


j - backward

g - strafe left

h - strafe right

f - crouch

k - use

space - jump


Mouse 1 - Fire

Mouse 2 - Forward

Mouse 3 - Sabor style

Mouse 4 - Alt fire

Mouse up/down - weapon changing


That would hurt my hands so bad. I have a natural KB and the 'fg' and 'hj' keys area seperated. OUCH!!!

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down- walk backwards

up- walk forward


right- right

control- jump

c- crouch

f1- push

f2- pull

f3- speed

f4- mindtrick

f5- heal

f6- grip

f7- lightning

enter- use

[ ]- go through items

e- use item


mouse button 1- primary fire

button 2- alt fire

mouse wheel- cycle through weapons


I set it up like UT and RTCW, I like to keep it simple.

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Home - Forward

End - Backward

Delete - Strafe Left

Page Down - Strafe Right

Keypad 0 - Jump

Enter - Crouch

\ - Bactame

Keypad 1, 4 and 7 for preferred Force Powers (Absorb, Protect and heal


Keypad Del - Taunt (or Use for SP)

' - Saber

Middle Mouse Button - Push

Page Up - Pull

Insert - Stance Change

Mouse Wheel - Weapon Scrolling

[ - Item Cycle

] - Item Use

. - Chat

Right CTRL - Scoreboard

Mouse 1 and 2 for fire/alt


Very convenient configuration. Hardly need to move to achieve a desired effect.

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I'm both left-handed and a dane. This means I have to opt for a somewhat non-standard keyboard layout, as many keys have been swapped arounf to make room for the letters æ, ø and å that are common in my native tongue.


Arrow kays - movement

Shift - jump

Ctrl - crouch

end - use force

delete - next force

page down - previous force

insert - use bacta

enter - change saber style

insert - next inventory

page up - previous inventory

home - use inventory item

mousewheel - change weapon

click mousewheel - force push

backspace - taunt

t/y - chat/team chat

x - open console


Seeing as I mainly play duel games, I like the idea of mousewheel up and down for pushing and pulling. I think I'll re-bind it for my next game. I can always use keypad 4 and 1 to go back and fowards through my weapons list

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Lets see...

wasd movement

f use force power

q push

e pull

shift crouch

alt heal

ctrl offer challenge

tab change stance

space jump


mouse 1 prim.

mouse2 sec.

mouse3 crouch aswell

mouse4 use bacta

mouse5 use item

weel change weapon

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