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The most un-cool, un-l33t 'clan' around


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A very brief recruiting message. The Knights of Alderaan are seeking mature, responsible players who believe role-play can help build the atmosphere and enjoyment involved in a game.


I must warn you all: Knights of Alderaan are VERY un-cool.

We are so un-l33t that:


- We use letters instead of symbols to write ($iLlY @int it)


- We care about our spelling and grammar (do u git it foolz?)


- We are in no way, not even remotely, l33t. We just believe in training to be the best we can be.


- We actually have an age minimum! (No kidz RoXoRing ur worldz)


- We don't want bad mofos. Just adults with a healthy sense of fun and respect for the Star Wars universe.


- We all want to grow up and be Jedi Knights (not $itH LordZ with attitudes).


- We believe in Role Play! (We call ourselves an Order, not a clan, write stories, and all kinds of things).


If you are un-cool like us, then perhaps this is the Order you've been looking for. We're not looking for the 12 year old l33t kid with mad skillz. We're looking for his father who sends him to bed early so he can play some JKII.


Knights of Alderaan.


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Well, its rather refreshing to find a Clan who rates its members on the finer points of English. Who needs superior saber skill when you can spell S.A.T. words?


Im hoping not to find tons of red ink marking this post up. Dont want my G.P.A. to be effected too much.

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Well gee Pippen, you're so funny I almost laughed. Then I came to my senses a moment later.


Since this is apparantly the SECOND completely unrelated thread that you've chased a post of my down in to follow it up with unamusing academic references, I would assume you obviously have some issues.


It just so happens that we recruit in different ways than you, and perhaps most clans out there. Does this involve SATs or spelling bees? No. It involves mature adults who care about more than image or being 'bad'.


Now you can choose to continue following me around the forums attempting to be funny, or you could always take my original post in the spirit it was intended. The choice is up to you.

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lol mate...sounds like your clan and ours share most of the same philosophies, except for the age limit. all we require is that ppl play fairly with good sportsmanship with his/her mates online--NO BS tolerated


our team members have experienced a lot of the same hassles yours probably have with egos and attitudes. come visit our server and let's have some games: ROMAN JEDI ARENA


URL: http://www.roman.clanservers.net/

FORUMS: http://pub92.ezboard.com/bmodernromans

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I'll wager that Pippen is no older than 15. The fact that he insists on following you around like a lost puppy does not speak well of his maturity. I've been to his website and seen various other posts that he has left challenging individuals and whole teams to meet him or his team in battle.




I have some advice for you.....grow up! This guys is just trying to find other "like-minded" individuals to play JK2 with and to possibly join his team. I see that on your site you call yourself a Jedi Master..LOL. Our clan would not even consider someone as seemingly "childish & immature" as you to be a member. Now with all due credit to your skills....I will give you the benefit of the doubt. You may have pretty good skills but you should not try and elevate yourself above others players.....especially players that you have never met in battle!


I for one DO let my saber skills speak for me!

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Again, Im not too sure where the age discussion came in.



Sith, Im not too sure who you are, but welcome to the discussion. As I posted not 15 minutes ago. Im 30, far from 15. If you gentleman do not like healthy competition, sorry to offend. But when this conversation is directed towards you Sith, I will let you know sir. But thanks again for your insight.




I welcome you anytime to our server when I put it up. we are on various times throughout the week and weekend. I may not be on as much this weekend. Wife will be having the baby soon. So Im sure I will talk to you gentleman soon for a few games and gab.


If you could? E-mail me with the best times to play. brianduschel@comcast.net




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Well some people get quite, well funny over a couple of small little words that mean nothing at all. Anyhow this is to pippen i've been listening to your clans post here and on your site and do believe that i would like to challange you or any of your clan to a friendly duel (I know it is a recruiting forum but everyone else uses it for every thing else so i am too)


I am JMH Siraious of the Jedi Masters of Honor and if you dont know about us, well we follow similar ideas so if you would like to duel me please email when you are able to duel


JMH Siraious: lord_siraious@hotmail.com

JMH website http://www.chinchillapimp.com/jmh/

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Wow! I just checked out the website, and this clan is EXACTLY what I was looking for.


I've endured the running-backwards while-using-lightning-and-throwing-sabers-over-and-over wars that my friends try to turn every game into for long enough.


The role-playing, the correct spelling, etc. I'm thrilled. I've already sent in my application.

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We are still recruiting, although now very carefully and selectively. Our server is currently closed to public use. It is passworded, and only members of the Order or Candidates (people who's application was put in the 'possible' file) are given the password. Candidates can expect to spend several days to over a week before getting final word on their acceptance, although typically if you last more than one or two sessions and are not refused you acceptance from that point is only a matter of time.

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