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EXPERTS! -> Lighting or bit-depth changes when skins are applied?


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Sorry I don't have screen shots here...


I created a "Chrome Trooper" skin. Basically it just makes a trooper look like chrome instead of white plastic. WHen I create the skin .jpgs or .tgas in Photoshop it looks great! When I load up the skin in a game, it looks VERY different!!! I don't have this problem with other skins that I have created, just the chrome one.


When the skins are applied to the models in the game, is the bit-depth of the jpgs or tgas reduced? Is there some funky lighting that is going on? Basically all of the "reflections" are not there, and it (the textures) just doesn't really look like it does when I open up the skin files in Photoshop.


Is there something that I can do in creating my skin to compensate for any changes that the actually application might make to the jpg images as it applies the skins to the models?


I know Photoshop very well (have done professional design), but this one is stumping me!


Please help!



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hmmm. well...jk2's lighting system does amplify light colors. so a color that is near white, will practically glow in-game. and there is a slight reduction in image quality in-game.


you didnt mention if you are attempting this with a shader or not. if so, tell me and ill try to help. otherwise, try and darken the skins and see how it turns out. the skin files usually have to be alot darker in order for them to appear normal on the model. pictures might help me figure out whats wrong too...




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Since I had the same kind of problem here is what I would do.


I think you need to go for a compromise, because that texture is going to be beat up in the game. Making everything darker wont work since you would loose the chrome effect. You have to keep the white areas has thin has possible. If you are using photoshop. try raising the contrast a little while at the same time darkening a little. I would go to -40 in light and +15 in contrast.

then create a new layer that is pure black. Play with your opacity until you think you have the right effect. And the you can play with the eraser or the dodge and burn tool to fine-tune.


Anyway, this is what I would try, I could be totaly wrong. I don't think the game was designed to handle chrome this way. You would be a lot better-off using shaders. Take GAlak mech has an example.


If you don't know what I'm talking about then -----> tutorials, tutorials, tutorials and more tutorials.

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OK, I found a good shader tutorial:




I'll play around with this a little and Q3ASE. Does the JK2 editor come with a shader gui thing that I can use with skins or must I use Q3ASE? If I use Q3ASE, is there anything that I must change in order to have the shader file properly applied?





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