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Saber Throw in NF duels? WTF!!


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So JK2's been updated to 1.03 and there are a few changes here and there. Overall, it's not too bad. I like the new mechanics for Multiplayer saber fights. The one thing that was not necessary and should be taken out with the next update is the saber throw option in No Force duels. I play on No Force Duel serves a lot and it was rather surprising to see people chucking their sabers around left and right. Not that I had a problem in dealing with it, but still; A no force duel means a no force duel and that means no saber throws. It just takes away from the feel of the duel. The excitement gets taken away when all one person does is chuck their saber around. It gets rather boring. Granted, it has its advantages at times, but I don't feel that it's necessary in no force duels. You want saber throws? Go to a force server...

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