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Maya ppl, I need help


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Ok, I use Maya for 3D, and I'm starting to get a hang of it, and after purchasing JK2: Jedi Outcast, I just had this urge to do a model of myself for it :cool:


Ok, so this is the problem... the animations are done in SoftImage XSI 2.0, right? Well as Maya and XSI are fighting with each other quite bloodly in the 3D community, it's next to impossible to find a XSI -> Maya -> XSI importer/exporter plugins for Maya ;)

So, if anyone know's any good advice, if you're a Maya user and have tried something out in JK2: JO.


Also, (If you've read this far) any general JK2: JO modding guides would help alot, I haven't read the skinning guide that came with the SDK yet, and I understand this game is pretty new, but if someone has anykind of general modding information (Preferebly 3D related), I'd be more than happy.



Thank you

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