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the death of the gunners????


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I'ts really when you wait for such a long time for a patch, and when it finally arrives it makes the game unplayable. Not because of stability issues. Not because the patch sucked, but because that (rant on) EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN 1.03 SERVER IS SABERS ONLY!!!!! Then when you decide to bite the bullet and jump into one, all you find are people who's skills are severely jacked up due to the new (and uber) changes to the saber. When you ask for help all they do is taunt you and tell you to piss off. What kind of community is this, Counterstrike? While this game does rock, the people themselves are making the game a crappy one to play. Hell, the bots have better manners than most of the people I play with. Come on guys, you completely missed a chance to convert a gunner into the saberist fold, and you blew it. All I've learned is that yes, saberists are nothing but pompous jackasses who would rather kick vote you off their servers than answer your questions. (Rant off) So come on guys lets try and be a little nicer while playing, and let's get some decent 1.03 gunner servers going.

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Yeah I know the feeling, sadly this is the case with most games that are played online. A few people are nice but there's to many 13 year old kids around who take the chance to act like a$$holes because they know you can't do anything. They'd never dare to do it in real life.

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I played with the patch for the first time today (forced into it due to the fast servers upgrading).


My opinion?


Its STILL a great game. I'm a 100% gunner & gripper, and I was STILL romping away with the games despite the hefty changes made in those areas.


Sabre fights were weird though - they went on for AGES. Thats all very well on a duel server, but on TFFA (what I mainly play), its points that count, so oot come the bug guns.........


Sorry if you sabre folk hate this, but what do you expect in a map full of guns, played by old-school DOOM lovers ;)

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