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Backstab move is actually useful now


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Well, I saw a lot more use of the backstab maneuver in combat compared to when the patch was released. Apparently, it's very effective in breaking defenses, especially when people huddle together in a mass ffa saber only fight. The entire animation can be blocked until the very last moment, where it somehow manages to slice through you. Since yellow and red backstab has such large swingaround, you can control it a little via the mouse. So now, whenever I run into an opponent who isn't facing me, he's more of a liability for me to engage him than for me to attack him as before (somehow, in yellow stance, you tend to block better if you're being attacked from behind and to the right-though I've only tried this with about 2 afk people).

However, I think I was probably being especially stupid when I happened to engage some of these people, especially considering that the move has to be executed when you're behind someone.


The ever so popular 'push and slice for a kill' hasn't died down, from what I've seen, especially since most red users have to find some way to compensate for their neutered dfa.


Also, is it just me, or do saber attacks seem to get by saber defenses more often than before in the patch?

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Yeah, alot of people are using Backstab now. They will push you to the groung and backstab you.


I use backstab at times, but I don't push to the ground, only to the person who does it to me.


The actually need to fix backstab too. One thing, they may want to make it so you can't move round once you stab, and another thing I found a problem with it. Some kid backstabed another kid, so I was going to backstab the kid, but I died, while I was infront of him. That has happend to me actually several times.

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Actually, from a few preliminary tests, I've seen and actually blocked overhead attacks by orienting my lightsaber while I was still down.


One thing that perturbs me, however, is that the yellow and red backstab seem to be unblockable. I haven't done any testing with blue stance backstab yet. What I would really like to know is if the backstab somehow became more unblockable because of this patch, or if it always was this way. (the reason this came to my attention was because I recently entered an ffa server, and the top frag players all used backstab more than a few times to dice someone in two). it seems that even if my saber is oriented to block them while standing still, the backstab animation goes straight through you, with the lightsaber beam usually exiting through one's shoulders.


I was, however, successful in killing quite a few saber people by sabering them before they did the full spinaround and jab. What makes it somewhat difficult though is the fact that in order for me to stop it, they need to be at low health, and that move in particular, though somewhat nerfed in damage from last patch (where a single yellow backstab would leave you with single digit health), the new yellow backstab can still take off at least 75 + damage in yellow stance.

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I believe i was the one who played with who and used backstab the most. I haven't noticed much of a difference except it seems stronger. Before the patch i used it just as much and it was great. Im not sure about light stance backstab, thats like impossible to hit people with in a heated battle

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I did some spectating on a few servers today (taking notes on the new game mechanics-- and I use the term loosely ;)) and did see a trend of pull/backslash one hit kills. Some of the individuals were actually running around backwards into crowds trying to rack up points. Effective, I suppose, but a bit redundant...

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Woah... Ardesco... Just played with you earlier today. I helped you waste your turn to conduct an experiment... o_O


Anyway. Yes, backstab has become far more used, and far more useful. Generally it's the light stance backstab which is used, in my experience, at any rate. I'm not exactly sure why... Maybe because light stance has become so much more effective and useful in the new patch, since the other two have been toned down.


It's starting to become something along the lines of a new DFA, though I don't think it's quite as evil as DFA spamming was before the patch. It's not quite as bad as the DFA anyway.

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No, it certainly isn't as bad as dfa, since it won't kill you if you're at full health to begin with.


Yes, thank you very much for killing me a few times to determine some things about weapons damage. The backstab, incidentally, was just a whim on my part since I've never seen a backstab used properly in 1.02.


Anyways, the backstab does seem to do less damage than the patch, where yellow in close combat, and almost always red backstab were both fatal if done properly. However, yellow this time has about 2x the strength of a normal yellow saber hit.


I've also noticed it seems alot harder to get a reasonable figure for the amount of damage each stance did, since apparently the change to the starting and ending damage of a saber hit is reduced, attacks which cover a greater area of the body (such as a diagonal or vertical overhead) seems to do more damage than a side swipe. This is just guessing on my part, but it would account for why saber damage is no longer a set "figure" based on the number of times someone sabered you. That, along with the very TINY amount of damage done by saber touching at least for me gave me very unreliable data for the amount of damage each stance did per hit.


Also, as a useful counter for dfa, if the dfa-er lands right next to you, you can backstab with red and do major damage. Also, since you can swivel the blade around slightly like with the old dfa, you can probably hit them if they're trying to jump away (especially if you're VERY close).

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Well i just started to play the new patch yesterday. It is a LOT easier for me to kill people now, if i walk into a big saber fight with 2+ people, i will kill at least 2 people. I get a lot of double kills, sometimes triple kills with the red stance backstab. Since it takes me like more than 3 slashes with red stance to kill people, its pointless to even try, i just backstab and i usually kill them in one hit.

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Move is powerful...lets fix it...in fact, lets just keep nerfing moves, so we can find ones that work, and nerf them some more...so in the end, there is one saber move, and it can be like JK all over again... Are you people all blind? or just drunk? If you take away everything that works, you are left with nothing. Next it'll be that brutal left slash, then the jump and right slash...and then kicks will go.......

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The backstab was always useful. its the same as it was before the patch. Many people didn't think of using it since they were too busy spamming DFA and was easier to execute. While the rest were spamming DFA in v 1.02, I was busy spamming backstabs. I admit, yeah I will utilize anything and everything I can to kill you as fast as I can but the point is to find them first and realize its potential. Any follow-up posts to this... yes im lazy... yes im a spammer, yes im cheap.


Instead of complaining... since backstab Spamming is not going to stop (perhaps till the next patch)... find a new loophole. Exploit it till masses of newbies race to catch up to you. :D


tip for all you backstab spammers... spin with the backstab, you can catch more ppl that way.


Now I have new cheap moves till they are duplicated everywhere.

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