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need advice


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been playing on a couple of 1.03 servers today (duel offcourse). I noticed that drain/lightning is a killer combo now, I couldn't win of those using it (I use light side).


Duels take long, as I try to make the best of it, using absorb, but I can't seem to keep absorb on long enough to prevent damage to me, and with the new heal thingy I can't get enough force to heal against it either, so slowly, but surely I get lightninged to death.. not very pleasant...


I really don't want to flame those using this tactic, and want to learn how to prevent this from happening.. anyone have an idea?

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As a Light Jedi, the easiest thing to do is max out absorb, and keep it on as much as possible. Dark Jedi can only see it if they attack you with drain/lightning, and by that time, they are open as their saber is down by their side. Charge in and kill.

Also, remember that when playing as a Light Jedi, you basically null out the force with absorb, save for sometimes having the oppertunity to push/pull people into a bad situation, so train hard to perfect your skills as a saberist.

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