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Dear Raven... PLS READ!!!


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I've had this problem ever since I got this game. And it was not fixed in the latest patch.


Bottom line -


Force powers/Sabre Throws dont work for me!!!


Drain, Absorb, Lightning and grip have NEVER worked in any mp game period. I've been at a real disadvantage because of this. Push, pull, and heal sometimes work but they only work after I force default settings and then rebind my keys, then they'll work for a few games and then just stop working. Same with sabre throw.


Please help me!!!


I know there are others out there with similar problems, I cant be the only one!!



Raven are you listening?

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Strange problems aren't they?!


So are you sure (sorry i do not want to consider you as a n00B but i deserve to ask this 2 u) that the servers you join are not "No Force"...


In the meanwhile are you sure you don't try to use dark forces power as you are in the light side of the force?


Perahps in the mood, you have just joined a server with low level force which remove you lots of points in force spells... And then after you join a high level force server and you do not restore your force points...


Please check all these points and then come back if there is still the problem...


Good luck m8

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Lets just say that I see other players doing the same moves, but I cant do them. The moves i cant do are on both light and dark sides, its not limited to just one side. I even cant do the simple sabre throw ??


Im clueless.


How do you know how many force points you have? All I've ever seen in the blue bar at the bottom.

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Remember that the mulitplayer game uses a different config than the single player game. Next time you are in a game press Esc and click on player, next click on force powers. There is where you can configure your force powers for multiplayer games. You will have to do this often if you are playing on many servers with different rule sets. Some servers will make the changes you made to your force powers next time you spawn others will not make the changes until the map cycles.

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