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The Ultimate Solution - Jellybelly is 100% right . . .


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It's true, no one is going to be happy no matter how much Raven tweaks the gameplay.


I erased my other suggestion - Jellybelly is 100% correct:


The ultimate solution is to simply make it all server side.


If the in-game browser fits itself to allow filtering of all the admin-options that change game play - doesn't have to specific numbers, could be greater or less than, than it would easy to give admin options.


People can also use rulesets in ASE and Gamespy to filter for exact servers they want.


Even the force nerfing/beefing-up doesn't have to be necessarily a complicated and specific matter - if that's too much of a problem.


There could be a g_specificforcerank type rule.


That would mean specific forces for light and dark could be adjusted.


Actually that would solve the problem - add more forcerank rulesets that adjust the different kinds of forces - probably combine them into light and dark and neutral.


g_lightforce 0-5 - Absorb, heal, mindtrick, etc

g_darkforce 0-5 Dark rage, grip, drain, etc.

g_neutralforce 0-5 - all other forces.


Also, say they wanted kick/backflip to be a part of the force:


g_forcekick 1 or 0


1 = it uses up and requires force - single tap/force dependent - the more force you have built up, the harder you kick - relative to force jump rank.


0 = like it is now - double tap.


g_forcekick or g_forcebackflip could connect backflip/kick to force strength instead of double-tap.


For weapon guys - for example:


g_ammorespawn 0-5

g_weaponsrespawn 0-5




g_newsaber 1 0


1 = New SP style in MP saber.

0 = Old MP style saber.


g_saberblock 0-5 (controls the amount of saber auto-blocking.)


This would alleviate the dev team from being responsible for constantly tweaking the game - and allow admins and the community (by popularity of the servers) to decide what options are best.


If a handful of people enjoy certain settings, so be it and let them run their server and enjoy the game.


Make the defaults in the middle, and the admins change the rules, from that point on.


Sure dev can work on performance issues, cheats, bugs, etc, but I suggest simply replacing all future 'gameplay tweaks' with server-side (client filterable) options.


The most simple and easy solution.

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Hi NewBJedi :)


Thank's...but it was actually in one of Your posts I first read about the suggestion to implement more serverside options. If I did anything, I simply took it a step further.


I fully agree with what You write here...and I do think as many serverside gameplay options as possible would be better for all.


The public could tailor the game according to their specific taste, and Raven wouldn't have to bust their chops trying to construct the "ultimate" gametweaking patch, but could focus their future efforts in bug search and destroy etc.


Regarding Your g_newsaber switch suggestion...load up a single player duel scenario (The Ladder for example), and try setting the g_saberautoaim switch to 0.


Try it out and let me know what You think about it.


I also read in another post that You plan to not use the patch? I also read many other posts where peeps are unhappy with the patch. This issue seems to split the community in post-patchers and pre-patchers...and that doesn't seem to be a good thing to me.


Problem is, I think we will probably have this very same issue for every new gametweaking patch that Raven delivers.


This is exactly why I think multiple serverside gameplay options is the way to go. As You said Yourself, it's probably the easiest (in the long run at least) and most efficient solution to this problem.

I think it's the best way for maximizing the amount of pleased players, as well as getting people off Ravens back once and for all.


Anyways, just my two cents. :)


Take care



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