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1.03 Patch: What's the big deal?


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Not to re-dredge up a subject that's touchy with a few folks, but I was playing the 1.03 patch last night to see what all the fuss was about.


In general, I didn't really see it as a problem. Granted, the "Death From Above" move is more difficult to do and can't turn in mid-air, and the saber system has to basically be re-learned, but I played some games of CTF and didn't notice a significant drop in the level of "fun" I had. In those games it wasn't saber-dominated either, again, as usual, it was just another weapon.


I did notice however that when somebody rushed into my base with a saber, it took a lot longer to kill them if I went at them with my own blade (much quicker just to blow them up or push them off a cliff anyway). I still scored many kills against saber users with the ST Rifle and other supposedly "weak" guns, as I always do.


I will admit however, that this is in the lag-free environment of a jedi master bot game (since I have no internet access at home for the present), but everything seemed in order.


Only a couple of things annoyed me... the double tapping of the kick move meant my hands got tired quicker and I didn't do the move half the time (once you get the timing down it is less annoying though). The other thing was a bug that I didn't notice in 1.02, which is when I tap the "change stance" key or the "activate saber key" multiple times, I'll often throw my saber. This is rather strange, and annoying (since that split second without a blade to protect you from shots or that swinging enemy blade can mean the difference on many occasions).


Another "bug" I noticed was that fact that the keys in the "numpad" section of the keyboard (including the / * - + etc) could not be bound to anything, but in 1.02 they could. This is annoying since there are so manyfunctions, being able to bind these keys was very useful. Hopefully they'll fix that in the next patch, along with the aforementioned problems.


The increasing mana consumption of drain/heal meant that those powers could simply be used less often or had to be managed better. In CTF games it was hardly an issue since we're surrounded by bacta, large shield boosts, and team healers/energizers. The "stealth" Absorb was actually quite nice, a feature that made it more like Absorb in JK/MotS, which added to its effectivness.


The saber duels in duel mode did last a lot longer than before, and looked a little more "cinematic." The new duel levels were nothing to scream about, but nice ports over from Single player. Though one of them is literally a big gray room full of crates.... bah (nobody make any sequels to that map, okay?).


I didn't duel long enough to notice any hands getting cut off (it's kind of hard when the camera zips away from the fight immediately though.


About the other issues people raised, the loss of Ghost Morgan skin is rather sad, I thought that one looked cool. What they should do is take those "extra" skins and incorporate them into the menus with their own face pics, etc. I didn't try the lightsaber challenge so I couldn't test the alleged "saber throw" by non duelists against those in a duel though.


As far as updates to the OS Page, I can see the Lightsaber section seeing several updates (which I plan to mark with the 1.03 patch), but when those updates will be forthcoming I can't say. At worst, you won't see them for another 2 weeks or so. Other than that, I don't see a real need to update anything for the patch, except perhaps a page quoting the list of changes so people know what they're getting into. ; )

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I agree with you, although I don't think that the entire saber system needs to be relearned. If someone was used to one or two "killer moves" he's probably in for a cold welcome. One thing I really like about the patch is that the fast saber style is very usable now and using the strong style comes with slightly greater risk. Plus you can really tell the difference between the medium and fast speeds.


I personally believe that the patch will allow for greater opportunities in saber combat. There will be more ways to very effectively eliminate an opponent than just DFA spamming. I think that is A Very Good Thing.

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I believe that the 1.03 patch is a great turn for the better. Too many battles were won to the very un-stylish heavy only users, which greatly deminised the fun of the game. It stopped being a duel of wits and skill, and became a game of swing first, and swing wide. Now, however, the game is based around being able to choose the correct swing, stance, and time. I have yet to re-master the "Death From Above", but seeing as I never used it anyway, it doesn't matter so much. I do think that the double tap feature has its bonuses and subtractions. It was alot of fun being able to kick people down at a whim, and that has become far more difficult. It wasn't unfair, just a nice surprise rarely expected. Also, the hit detection of the sabers is much more accurate, as it should be. Again, too many games were lost to the heavy users as they finish a swing and somehow clip you at the end for 100 damage, when you just cut at them and watch the saber go through their heads. I must say though, it has added to the fluid nature of the game that you don't just back flip of a low wall anymore. Much nicer. All in all, I feel the patch has done wonders for the game.

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Originally posted by Dracofyre

All of a sudden, my post on practicing MP lightsaber combat in the SP map The Ladder doesn't seem so stupid now does it?



The Ladder Mod KICKS 4SS!


Really! I'd love to do a demo of one where I go through from start to finish, but *sigh* no demo mode in SP.


As to the Patch....


I just installed it last night. Practiced a bit in a private bot match, tried some moves, tried figuring out some combos. Managed to figure out the light lunge but the DFA eluded me until some nice soul (Maud-Dib) helped me out. Oh, and I figured out some nice medium combos.


Fought some bots, then found a nice quiet online server with only a couple of people (including the above-mentiond Maud-Dib...very nice guy, very helpful). Went in, and LOVED it. Saber combat is no longer the province of Heavy Whores. You've got to switch stances and take your time, try multiple attacks....essentially, you're feeling out your opponent in the first few seconds, trying to determine if they are switching stances, or are just trying the same tactics again and again. Then you adjust your tactics accordingly.


Against a Light stance, if you use Medium or Heavy I've actually noticed you can knock their saber aside when you attack, leaving them open for a quick followup.


Against Medium, you should go for quick in and out attacks with Light or Medium.


Against Heavy, you still have to watch for the start of the swing, but as long as you keep moving you're generally okay because you can actually take more than one hit. Once again, you want to use hit and run tactics, in and out, in and out.


The light lunge is still very useful.

The DFA is now what it was always supposed to be, the Heavy stance FINISHER. You wear your opponent down and FINISH them with a good DFA.


A favourite of mine now is to run from your opponent, switch to Heavy, and do the Heavy backswing while being chased. Unless your opponent has already started a swing and you have no shields left, you'll generally get in a VERY solid hit and only take minimal damage.


I'll be philosophical about this...the patch is an OFFICIAL RELEASE. Eventually, everyone will be using it. My advice to all those non-believers is to switch now, start learning, NOW.



"You must UNlearn, what you have learned...." - Yoda

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