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Please Please Please do these 3 things!!


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1) gime ctf their ammo back so theyll stop complaining.


2) PLEASE reduce the amount of blocking in the game. I am sorry but the blocking is just rediculous i know blocking is good but i think you had it right last patch, you say you didnt change anything but i don't find 5 minute duels appealing AT all. I can go 3on1 with people for 60+ seconds without being killed...why? because i block EVERY swing, Every combo, Everything.


I find these following changes REALLY ridiculous.


a)100% block while knocked down and on the floor.


b)you can block a DFA(you already did the right thing and fixed the damage and ability to swirl around, don't screw with somethign thats hard enough to hit as is now and takes real skill.


c) and you can block with your back turned to another player. yes their back is to you and yet they STILL block. wtf is up with this?


3) Fix the pull and sweeps.



ps: maybe think about giving us a more mobile grip?, its not bad thou as you can still grip and push :) but still i miss my grip.

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1) gime ctf their ammo back so theyll stop complaining.


Can somebody PLEASE explain to me what this is all about? I didn't notice a difference in the ammo before and after the patch. What are people talking about? I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but I don't know what the fuss is about there.



2) PLEASE reduce the amount of blocking in the game. I am sorry but the blocking is just rediculous i know blocking is good but i think you had it right last patch, you say you didnt change anything but i don't find 5 minute duels appealing AT all. I can go 3on1 with people for 60+ seconds without being killed...why? because i block EVERY swing, Every combo, Everything.


The blocking does mean that saber battles last a lot longer. I've found that the quickest way to kill a saber user is usually to put away the saber and just use something else. ; p



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I have an idea that will solve everyone's problems. Either one) Stop talking so I don't have to listen to you or decypher what you're talking about; or two) Stop breathing so noone will have anything to worry about from you..... ever.

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The saber offense control is better .. but the added defense negates it completely.


More skills does not = more swings.


And that's what the uber saber defense does.


It just requires you to swing a lot more.


Skill has NOTHING to do with it.

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I agree, the saber defence has now been overtweaked. It is very very difficult to know when your attacks are doing damage now, as it seems at least 70% of attacks are part blocked and cause sparks arbitrarily, even when the person is facing the other way / halfway through a swing / jumping the other way etc.


Also I've had a higher incidence of swings going through people with no visible effect under the new patch, seems to occur alot in 1v1v1 or 2v1 battles, maybe its fps related? although don't see why it should be when connected to a dedicated server.


Saber combat now is a bit more hit and miss than it was before, it looks much better and the added control is excellent but the blocking needs some finetuning, as it stands nothing short of a strong stance chop seems to get through a defending saber, if they just stand there, including medium swings to the legs, to the sides, and from behind. Blocks and parries are great additions to the game and will make it pretty much perfect once they are toned down a little.


As for the sweep move, it was there before and I'm not sure what the solution is. Maybe make it harder to activate, along with the rear thrust.


For some reason gamers in general seem to want to take any easily activated powerful move and just spam it, whether its DFA, sweep, lightlunge, rear thrust or whatever, it seems the majority are happy to play using 1 or 2 force powers and one or 2 saber moves. With the added blocking now, they can get away with it, just as the amazing invisible hitbox of the DFA before let them get away with it.

But soon, with a bit more tweaking, they will be easy meat for an average multiple swing saber user, which is IMHO as it should be :)

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