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Planning a Mod


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Hey guys. You may know me as a JKii.net and JK.net news update guy. But my ambitions go farther than that. I'm planning a mod. A single player mod.


I need modellers, animators, texture artists, level makers, and possibly some voices at a later date.


It's all in the preliminary stages, but here is the premise:


Set 7000 years before The Phantom Menace, the Jedi Order is in it's infancy and the known galaxy only encompasses a few dozen planets. Jedi use real swords ; katanas , since light saber and blaster technology does not exist. Plot details are being worked out, but it will involve avenging the death of a master, by the student or something along those lines. Possible settings are Coruscant, Corellia , Chandrilla and Ryloth.


I need talented people to get this mod off the ground.

Post your thoughts here.


and if you're interested in helping out email me. whp316@hotmail.com


Many thanks




Associate Editor

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