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Jedi vs Merc server UP NOW!!(Dismemberment too!)

Lord Nodata

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Hi, some of you admins know me as the inty the merc, I'm always a merc on the server because it's a bit more challenging when fighting adverseries with more advantages than yourself.


Anyway, I wanted to get this out because as of late it's been bugging me. The majority of people, regulars and newbies, mostly always pick jedi rather than merc, and little old me and a handful of others are usually left outnumbered, with no one to even consider evening the score. Then when we, as mercs, do our class duty and kill jedi, they get angry at us because we are interrupting their dueling. This is just plain ridiculous. It's jedi VERSUS merc!!!


The most common rebuttal to this is that mercs have grapple and guns...therefore we are the stronger enemy and are not to be considered; despite the fact that jedi have swords that do 80% dmg on contact regardless of shields, force powers, more manueverability(especially now since gunners can't roll), and just sheer numbers! And they complain when we throw a bomb or 3 into their duels...come on people. Once again, I remind you--it's JEDI VS. MERCS....at least try to fight us without us having to come to you. You can duel in duel servers, or just about any other gamemodes[most]. This gametype is supposed to be something different, so try to be different.

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I think there should be a way to have Jedi on one team and mercs on another. Since it IS called Jedi vs Merc, and not Jedi vs Jedi or vs Merc. It'd be like that Forced-based teams cvar, except mercs would be included as a third team. That way the Jedi would have no reason to complain when a merc kills him.


BTW, I gotta try joining the server sometime. I usually use the name Auron.

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Originally posted by [JHQ]Inty

Hi, some of you admins know me as the inty the merc, I'm always a merc on the server because it's a bit more challenging when fighting adverseries with more advantages than yourself.

Yep, merc is alot of fun. :)

Anyway, I wanted to get this out because as of late it's been bugging me. The majority of people, regulars and newbies, mostly always pick jedi rather than merc, and little old me and a handful of others are usually left outnumbered, with no one to even consider evening the score. Then when we, as mercs, do our class duty and kill jedi, they get angry at us because we are interrupting their dueling. This is just plain ridiculous. It's jedi VERSUS merc!!!

Actually, it's Jedi VS Merc VS Sith. And if you think everyone picks merc, you're just there at a bad time. Heck, the other day there were about 7 mercs and 2-3 Jedi...

The most common rebuttal to this is that mercs have grapple and guns...therefore we are the stronger enemy and are not to be considered; despite the fact that jedi have swords that do 80% dmg on contact regardless of shields, force powers, more manueverability(especially now since gunners can't roll), and just sheer numbers! And they complain when we throw a bomb or 3 into their duels...come on people. Once again, I remind you--it's JEDI VS. MERCS....at least try to fight us without us having to come to you. You can duel in duel servers, or just about any other gamemodes[most]. This gametype is supposed to be something different, so try to be different.

80% damage reguardless of shields? LOL! Have you played with the lightsabre? 80 damage is practically a yellow finisher! And yes, shields DO block lightsabres.

Mercs can't roll, sure. They can just hook to unreachable places and snipe people with the tenloss.

As for the complaining, there are 2 people with sabres off, sitting off from the main fights waiting for 2 other people to duel and then, despite their asking for you to stop, you pick them off. That could be the reason they complain, although you have no reason to whine about this because you're all "Stop using mindtrick! Stop using sabrethrow! Stop using..." The reason there's a private duel feature in FFA mode is because sometimes people want to test their skills against each other without having someone come in and interfering. Thus, your argument about 'go find a duel server' is moot; oh hi, this guy connected and we want to duel so we have to find another server to duel for 5 minutes before coming back here.'


To quote Keyan, "Would you like some cheese with your whine?"

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I am ALWAYS merc, unless the server is so unbalanced, then I go sith or jedi.


As far as pestering duelists, hey, a bounty hunter has to make a living right? :p


I do leave two people engaged in an ACTUAL duel though, but I am not sure dueling is enabled. It tends to just end the duel rather than give me a kill. It is also somewhat bad form.

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update : server now runs jedi mod 1.2


however, OLD saber rules do exist..and theres one new one


Dual bladed saber= SITH only


Two sabers = JEDI only.


and be sure to change your saber color by going to setup an TCK saber mod. sith = REd still , jedi = whatever colors besides red

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Yeah server is going strong. Constantly telling new people to change saber color from white to green or red or whatever color they need to be on, and not abuse the grapple and such.


Damn flying mercs perching on top of stages sniping people.

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yeah the server is down for me too right now but i cant wait to play on it. i am SO SICK of seeing these imitation jedi mod servers with this ++ crap. and whats really annoying is that i'll find a server with jedi mod 1.2 and they wont even allow jedi vs merc. and finally the one thing that is more annoying than that, is when i finally find a server with jedi mod 1.2, and jedivmerc and guess what... no grappling hook! this server is my only hope.

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Not sure, the server went down while I was ON it. :(


Oh, for those who don't know the server's added some more maps. Jango v2.0 (get from jk2files.com), Imperial Waste Facility and...um...that might be it, actually.

Just to save people the truoble of getting booted out because they don't have the map. *cough* I'll get you Gandel ;P *cough*

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server is up and going strong.


any way we can get someone to post a list of models/maps?


few new versions of older models are out




Vader (cheshire version)

Battle droid (Roger)


and some that I dont think the server has installed


ladybrena (female maul)

royal guard

exar kun




more but not sure how the admins feel about pumping tons of skins onto the server


also, any way to request an increase in max client size? 12-16 maybe?


thanks for hosting the server guys.



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Originally posted by Gooey

also, any way to request an increase in max client size? 12-16 maybe?


Oooh...I'd love that.


Anyway - I'm back from vacation now and should be on the server a LOT more. I hadn't ever played with the JediMod yet, but Goo and Keyan got me up to speed :). Thanks guys!

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lol, well it's down again. hope for not to long this time


almost forgot, I wanted to suggest increasing the force regen. it is set at 200 now, was thinking maybe 400 or 600. g_forceregen should be the command.


k well to kill some time I am gonna go over some things you can do with jedimod 1.2 that is installed in this and some other servers.


Lots of people ask these questions so I just wanted to clue in some people if they happen to browse the forums before they play...




Grapple (for Mercs only)


to use grapple, hit the E or M key, or bind a key in the console by holding down SHIFT then hitting ~, and typing :


bind x +use


where X is the key that you want to be grapple. grapple can be pushed or pulled by jedi/sith, so if you see your grapple being deflected to somewhere you dont want to be, let go of the key and try it again. grapple can also hook you to other players, although jedi/sith can deflect with the saber also.




some server rules :


Jedi can use any saber color and can also use 2 sabers. Sith can only use RED, and may use doublesaber but NOT 2 sabers. To change your saber color, hit ESC, then go to SETUP, then click on TCK SABER MOD and setup your sabercolor there.


If you are a merc, using the grapple to get to a location that jedi/sith cannot get to is not allowed. If you could get there without grapple then it is ok. If you can be attacked by jedi/sith by them jumping or saber-throwing, then it is also ok. Going somewhere that is impossible to be hit by is exploiting and you will get kicked if an admin spots you doing it. Play nice and play fair.


Camping one spot for long periods of time is also not allowed. Back in the HL and Q2 days, there was a time period for you to stay in a certain location before you get world killed. Let's just pretend that the same thing is running here, and keep moving.


do NOT keep issuing the same vote over and over again, as that could also get you kicked.


Just play fair and have fun. Don't be a butthole and everything will be peachy.




You can change your hilt model (jedi/sith only) by using the player config. Hit ESC, then click on PLAYER. There many hilts from you to choose from (thanks |:|ReMaRk|:| and the modelers). If you are a jedi, you can select your SECOND saber hilt also. Bring down the console (SHIFT ~) and type HILT2 luke, if you wanted the luke hilt. Type in whatever hilt you want. Hilt names are in the PLAYER selection screen, where you pick your main handed hilt.




Dismemberment is on. To see parts flying in all their glory, drop down the console again, and type


cg_dismember 3


this should give you all the nice legs and arms being cut off. fun for the whole family.




there are a TON of new emotes. here is the list from the FAQ included with jedimod 1.2:


/sit -sits do again the stand up

/stand -stands up from sit

/kiss -kisses another player if both of you have your sabers off

/taunt -does the spinning saber taunt

/draw -does a nifty saber drawing move

/nod -nods your head

/shake -shakes your head

/super -strike a superman pose

/thumbsdown -looks like your giving something a thumbs down

/looks -looks around

/flip -twirls your saber

/dest -looks like your typing, possibly coding.

/****y -you point at yourself

/jedi -does something that was for some reason named jedi

/way -shows you the way

/scratch -scratch your head

/dunno -hold your arms out saying you don't know

/power -holds your hand up in the air

/barf -barf all over

/throw1 -throw your saber behind you

/throw2 -throw your saber forwards

/throw3 -throw your saber to the side

/adjust -adjust your saber

/beg -beg for mercy

/kneel -kneel on the ground

/punch -punches

/slap -slap someone if they kiss you

/sleep -lay down like you are dead

/spintaunt -do the spinning saber taunt

/bounce -do a pushup thingy sortof

/breakdance -breakdance

/taunt 0-12 -play a taunt sounds if more than 1

/secretissafewithus -try it and find out




What are the new special moves?

purple stance: forward + jump + attack while facing the enemy.

Jumps fairly high and does a spinning twirling thingy of death.


orange stance: forward + jump + attack while facing the enemy.

tornado attack if you only have one saber

same move as the yellow stance if you have two sabers




How do I turn on my second saber?


type /twosaber or /dualsaber in the console while your saber is off. you can also bind a key to do this. see the grapple example




How do I turn on the dualbladed saber?


type /thedestroyer or /dualblade in console while your saber is off. you can also bind a key to do this. see the grapple example




more stuff later as I think of it.


laters all, and welcome back Mythren

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Well it's alive again. I was hoping to have the server rules flashing like before, but without any admins on the rule breakers just flood the server.


I spend more time telling people to change sabers or not kill same team than I do actually playing.


Ok well Im done for now.

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