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Jedi vs Merc server UP NOW!!(Dismemberment too!)

Lord Nodata

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Originally posted by Gooey

Well it's alive again. I was hoping to have the server rules flashing like before, but without any admins on the rule breakers just flood the server.


I spend more time telling people to change sabers or not kill same team than I do actually playing.


Ok well Im done for now.

I seem to be doing that alot too...yelling at people that I'm on the same damn team, blah blah etc.


Also, the other day one of your clan mates was there Nodata, claiming to be an admin (he DID have the rcon pass - he could do admin stuff), but he changed it to Team FFA and couldn't change it back...had to drag Grey Fox in there.


Oh, Sandarena Version 2 has come out...add the version with music. ;)

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Just so everyone knows, I'm NOT dead or anything.


I haven't had much free time lately, between Soccer Practice twice (three times on Saturdays, danget!) a day, work, and my pathetic attempts at getting a girlfriend (:D).


However, once school starts Soccer will let up to only once a day, no Saturday pratices (games are on some Saturdays, though), and I won't be working, therefor I'll have MUCH more free time and be able to fulfill my duties as an admin much better.


Again - I appologize for not being there much of late, but I promise I will be soon!

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Hey guys, sorry i havent been on, atm kinda outta town. i'll be back on saturday though :)....i'll be sure to look into the maps and see if I can get nodata to add em...and...what else....hmm...stay outta twouble. i'll be back soon :)



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be sure to get it here btw : http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=918








ok heres the changes on the server atm. and heres how to get em to work. first off im going to list the new force ranks and what they do. you now start with 200 points to spend instead of 99...and heres the ranks



Heal: Level 1:- Heals 10 points of damage.

Level 2:- Heals 20 points of damage.

Level 3:- Heals 35 points of damage.

Level 4:- Heals 45 points of damage.

- Regenerates 1 hitpoint every 2 seconds.


Jump: Level 3:- Jump 8x normal height.

- 2/5 normal force cost in flight.

- Falling damage reduced to 1/2.

Level 4:- Jump 16x normal height.

- Jumps costs are minimal while in flight.

- Falling damage reduced to 1/4.


Speed: - Short, powerful burst of speed for 5 seconds [stellarwinds's JediStyle idea]

Level 1:- Sprint at 1.5x normal speed

Level 2:- Sprint at 2.5x normal speed

Level 3:- Sprint at 5x normal speed

Level 4:- Sprint at 10x normal speed

- Normal running speed is increased 10%.



Level 4:- Increased push strength over level 3.

- Knockdown range increased by 50%.

- Greater push resistance.

- Chance to break saberlock increased.


Level 4:- Increased pull strength over level 3.

- Pulldown range increased by 50%.

- Greater pull resistance.


MindTrick: - Now Force Seeing will only reveal invisible jedi of equal or lesser rank.

(i.e. If a Jedi has cast level 2 mindtrick, it requires at least level 2 Force Seeing to reveal him) [Artifex]

Level 4:- Can attack while cloaked - each attack costs force points.

- Duration increased to 40 seconds.


Grip: - Can turn off red grip hand extension

Level 4:- Can move around at 80% normal speed while gripping. (Normally %40)

- Grip range increased to 2x normal.

- Damage per second doubled.


Lightning: - Slight decrease in range [Artifex]

Level 4:- Lightning mastery - other lightning attacks are absorbed into force power.

- Range increased by 10%.

- Fresh corpses now shockable on Level 4.


Rage: - Run speed is 150% of normal speed.

- Increased lightsaber damage done by 25%.

Level 4:- Increased lightsaber damage done by 50%.

- Run speed further increased to 200% normal speed.

- Duration of 40 seconds.


Protect:- Now consumes force only when hit. [stellarwinds's JediStyle idea]

Level 4:- 85% damage absorbed for 15% force cost.

- Regenerates shields at a rate of 1 point every 4 seconds.


Absorb: - Force maintenance costs are like v1.02 levels [Artifex]

Level 4:- Absorbs 25% more force than level 3.

- Absorbs and converts 25% of weapon damage into force.



Level 4:- Heal 1, 2, or 3 teammates for 65, 45, or 33 hitpoints.

- Regenerate 1 health every 3 seconds.



Level 4:- Restore 1, 2, or 3 teammates with 65, 45, or 33 force points.

- Regenerate 3 additional force points per second.



Level 4:- Drains ~20% more than level 3 drain.

- Drains ammo from any energy weapons in use.



Level 4:- Cost 50% less to activate.

- Duration increased 40 seconds.

- Automatically dodge sniper shots without ForceSeeing on (even while jumping, using force powers, or firing weapons)



Level 4:- Damage increased by 15% for all stances

- Animation speed for all stances increased by %5

- All stances available for dualblade or dualsaber users if f_skillMode is on



Level 4:- Blocking ratios increased by 50% for all stances.

- Animation speed for all stances increased by %5

- Quicker projectile blocking rate.



Level 4:- Saber throw distance increased 25%.

- Saber throw speed nearly doubled.

- Saber can spend more time airborne.

- Summoned saber returns 3x as fast

- Spinning saber shield now possible on return of saber

- Saber will never fall to the ground when blocked.




another feature for you Fett/merc fans..the famous jetpack..to use it you must be a merc and using the Boba/Jango model. type /bind x Jetpack to use it. your force will be consumed as you stay in the air ..the grapple and all of Jedimod 1.2 features are also still around ;)



ok now to get it to work properly when you sign in , type /f_forcemod 1 /f_forcerank 1


and then your good to go! have fun!

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