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FOG with visible sides need some help


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ok i built sky box and put a box of fog in it

f= the fog brush inside the skybox periods= nothing ignore them they are place holders





which is cool but i added a new box inside the sky box like so

s= skybox, b= new smaller box


|'''s' __'''''|

| |b_|...|


i want the fog to be around this box but not in it so in order to do this i need to split the fog brush in four pieces like so

f= new fog brushs



| f |__ | f |

|__|_f_|_ |

i did that so i could wrap the fog around the smaller box but the onlything is that fog can't have any visible sides so if i have one of the fog's sides touching another fog brush it doesn't count or at least thats wat i thinkl because it i get the compiler error about the fog having more than 1 visible side i really need help so help me

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no its a solid box with a normal rock texture inside the skybox the fog brushs fill the space between the outer and inner box is there any way to weld to brush together to make one (not func_group)

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