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EAX HD in patch problems


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Well the new patch does make the sound much better in msotaly all situations.....

except voice overs....


see this is the first game I have that I have that supports EAX HD, and thou its a big improvement on EAX1 and 2 its still to echoy...A3D was way better in that area...so when you are fighting etc the sound does feel more full and the 'space' of the large rooms is really audible, but ack as soon as in goes to an in game cut scene in a big room (like the one with Luke on the base before the Doomgiver) the echo is still there over the voices so they are all washed out and crappy sounding

Raven should have found a way to turn off the EAX temporarily for cut scenes to fix this. I mean it soooo bad I am probably going to turn EAX HD off again....


and yes I do have an Audigy so its not a problem with my hardware...


ack if only A3D hadn't gone under (I have a Monster Sound MX400 before this card)

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