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Red style overhead (NOT the DFA): unblockable bug??


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Noticed something when playing earlier today.


If someone charges at you with the overhead standing attack, you seem to block, then suddenly you get hit **TWICE** immediately. It seems to be a triple hit or something. A combo for free. Worse than the DFA, even.....


Is this a bug? or intentional?


You have to be literally almost right on top of someone when doing this move.....if you're too far away, or if you aren't moving toward them when close, they will simply block like normal.


Of course, you ARE vulnerable to being kicked, but if you are on a no force server, you are pretty much completely safe :(


Instead of you deflecting their saber (and being stunned for a second), you just get hit 3 times, or die outright (if you don't have shields).


Something to report to raven?


Antoher bug is, you often get **STUCK** when you try to jump quickly (usually if you try to quickly double tap kick) after being knocked down. You literally freeze in standing pose and are a sitting duck for any attack.

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I don't see the problem with this.


I've used it, and it only works if they stay right there (i.e., Deer caught in the Headlights non-move :D).


I had someone try it against me, and I just strafed-left and nailed 'em with a side-swipe as I went by....

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Hmm, I'll email them later on.

Maybe no one thinks it's a bug because everyone's complaining about the backstab and heal being nerfed too much, heh....



I DO agree that manual blocking would be much better.....that is , facing their saber directly. (even parrying by attacking their saber to deflect it would be much better).

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