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Movie /Cutscenes jumpy!!


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can anyone tell me how to fix the cutscenes?.. yanno the nice digital movie bits that make it all worth the hours of frustration (at times) in finding that little mongrel vent to crawl up or whatever ?... i have a voodoo 3 3000.. an before any of you'se start bagging it, it does fine in the game!, and i want solutions, not crap.. lol when i first installed and played this game, the cutscenes worked beautifully, and the game ran fine also, except for the savegame thing.. it wouldnt work properly, would either stop loading (but allow me to escape back to main menu) or drop out to windows with 10x gamma.. (going to display properties, advanced, 3dfx color tab corrects this for anyone elses info).

since then i took the advice of using the dll's from wickedgl, which appear to have got the save game thing fixed, but now i cannot view those nice cutscenes!! its jumpy as all hell, and so is the sound... i should mention that i mean only the bits that look just like a movie.. the animated ones that are just inbetween most levels are fine.. just the ones like when you go to cloud city for the first time etc... anyone got any ideas? ive exhausted mine...


Athlon Thunderbird 800mhz

Asus A7V Via Apollo KT133

512 Meg PC-133 SD-Ram

Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

Soundblaster Live! Value

C-Net 10/100 NIC

FlyVideo 2000 Tv Capture

Sony 40-52x CD

Ricoh 32x12x10 CD-R/CD-RW

2 x Western Digital 20 gig 7200 rpm UDMA 4 (66meg/s)

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This will sound like a really stuid suggestion if you've tired all the technical stuff...but I had the same problem with the movies, so I ran a CD cleaner through my drive and it fixed everything up for me (the movies run off the CD, so it needs to be reading smoothly)

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