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Balance for 1.04? Inside!


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Absorb is a bit on powerful side. . a little too much if you ask me. Coupled with guns.

Ammo consumption is too high for some weapons... specially with lack of ammo pickups, and slow spawn rates.


Blocking needs to be lowered a bit. .

I kinda miss the old saber styles myself, but the new ones just take getting use to, I played through SP and beat it. .so its not total greek..


Of following powers I feel are over-rated still.


Pull is -too- powerful, it needs max a 50% knockdown even at close quarters. . its too strong in that reguard.. maybe up the range that it can yank guns or. . reduce its cost or something to compensate.


Grip is great! Guys wake up, instead of running them, WHIP them and turn them loose, like you were cracking a whip. I launched a guy like 30 squares with grip alone!


Absorb, its cost needs to be upped maybe 25%. . or some fractional between 1/4th and 1/6th thereof. . as it is, it makes it near impossible to stop someone in some situations, specially saber only. . can't grip, pull, push, stop. . them.. Especially when they use it in conjunction with speed. It gives mana back while using speed too, Bug? It didn't use to...


Heal needs to come up. 25 at level 3 for half a bar, nadda. . Maybe At level 3, 30-35 per 1/4th a bar. Thats MORE reasonable..

Its too expensive. Now if it was 1/4th for 25 I could deal with that.. As it is. .its worthless. Drain way out does it, I can get full life with realitive ease with drain. . with 1/2 a bar.


Thats the really only gripes I got about force powers.

Guns seem fine damage etc, wise. Blocking on sabers could be reduced some percentile more, allowing for maybe 70% auto-block. . make it so where you gotta face, its not so automatic..


Red stance is in trouble.. it rarely hits, and doesn't have enough umpf, ask around. . it needs help. Red stance as a whole needs damage upped... I landed 3 hits for an amazing 3 damage in a duel cause the last part of the swing touched em, IN HEAVY stance, now come on . . . DFA is a special move that now, RARELY, and I mean rarely hits. I have landed it 1 time out of 30 attempts in the past 2 days. Yet its damage isn't enough to write home, it should be at least 80. For what you gotta go through to land it.


Oh and for some added advice/request.. Put a version identifier on the server search, its bloody annoying to look through . . .each server.. one by one. . hitting the info button to see wether its 1.02.. or 1.03.


Guns ammo cost was too much. . It needed upping but not quite so drasticly. Maybe doubling what it 'was'. . Not from 8 to 25. .thats way way too much, with the lack of pickups. . in a large ctf game, 24 people, I was -constantly- out of ammo, and suiciding just to pick up new guns. . so I had something to shoot, even on a level like Warring factions. .and the one Streets CTF course..


If anyone else has any wish to add, or gripe to add. . feel free. I'd love to have constructive criticism.

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I could almost live with the patch. People complain that the guns were toned down and such. I find the problem is the sabers were toned down more.


-The red slash (the one that costs the most to use) is now the worst by far. You swing it waaayyyy to slowly for the amount of damage it does (this is assuming the guy from some stroke of luck doesn't block it) very little unless you hit him at the right time.


-I haven't seen a clean cut win in sabers. The winner is practically always close to dead. Saber combat is just swinging at the guy close range and hope you do more damage than the enemy.


-Force drain, why not just remove the healing aspect from it? Make it force drain (!!!) and put up it's power again.


-You say nerfing the guns help saberist. Hellllllll noooooo. Think about this for a sec, with this new saber slashing style. You need to get closer and you have a good chance of doing lower damage. Now lets see you hit a jumping dodging gun whore 7-8 times before he kills you. LIKELY not going to happen.

-Possible solution (you movie freaks might enjoy) is make sabers instant death. First reaction: "WTF that will make it more newbie than ever!" Once again think about this. Lightsabers in the movies/books are basicly if you touch someone it cuts them.

This idea is also very easy to balance well.

Gunners are instantly killed because they have no way against blocking it (well possibly 2 if they have full armor, then again maybe not). While in a saber the block rate could be raised up, making it much harder to hit, but when you do they are dead. Light stance would make it easier to block and would have faster swings (good against heavy), medium would be average again, and heavy would be slow but can knock through their defence easier (although you can just be quickly hit while making a slash).


With that saber combat both sides would win, the gunners could try to destroy saberists from afar, but if they get close they will be cut into peices. The movie people who just want fancy duels, and the clan people who want some tactics in your stance so it's possible to be better than someone.

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I'd just like to add to that, that in complete no force games (or as close as you can get to it in the new versions) there's no hard stance. No Force now means that you have 5 points to distribute between Saber Attack, Saber Defense, and Saber Throw. Adding to that, of course that you can't use the hard stance because it's not available.


I've heard people complain about no force because I used to run servers. But I'm sorry, I ran 2 NF servers, and my friend ran 2 NF servers, and they were 3/4 to completely full for 20 hours a day. That's the most fun, and now it's been completely ruined.

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