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A lot of Whinging

Sneaky G

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What is the matter with some people.


For god's sake it's a game.


If you want to throw a tantrum do it at home. :rolleyes:


This is how I see it.


There are a lot of servers set up to accommodate virtually all gamers

FFA Force and saber only

FFA No Force Saber Only

FFA All Weapons.

etc, etc


There is also far too much (and I can really hear the high pitched winge in the post)


This stance is better than this stance, ohh this isn't as good or he does this to me all the time.


I'm sorry but stop your whinging get back up off your ass and try again.


If someone gives me a good whooping I certainly don't start booing in a corner like a little girl. :D


I get up, find them and try again.


As far as the new patch goes it seems a lot of gamers who were the Big fish in the little pond don't like being put in a bigger pond.


What is the point of game that offers no challenges.


You can't expect to beat people all the time, get over it.


Oh yeah the other one

He's pushes me, he grips me, he hits me with lighting all the time.


All part of the game my friend.


Adjust your tactics and fight back.



There is always someone better than you and you have to learn to beat them. Find them again and again if you have to until you beat them.


Your certainly not going to get any better complaining.


I know some people do use cheats which is unfair but in that case there should be plenty of poeple on the server to gang up and give them a good whooping until they realise they can't get away with it forever.


I have had plenty of whoopings due to someone using the same move, weapon of force.

I simply get back up and adjust my tactics until I do beat them.


Isn't that what the game is about?


Anyway that's my view on the matter


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And a very good view it is.


The only thing I'd refute is that complaining about this move, and that Force power, and the abuse of a particular Finishing move has all combined to produce the wonderful patch we've received.


I'm not sure if LucasArts reads these forums, but it seems to me that the patch has addressed most of the complaints from a good percentage of the posters.


Maybe the squeaky wheels got their grease. If that's the case, and I'm not sure it is (I'm just guessing) then I say, "Whine on!", it can only help to balance the game more, especially if there's an obvious flaw (buried saber).


If we don't let them know the problems we're having with gameplay, the problems won't get fixed.



NOW, on the other hand, whining because ArtifeX (sorry, just gotta use your name here, bud, you're too ubiquitous) or another player consistently beats you with the ugly stick just means that YOU suck, and need to try again, as Sneaky G says.


Pick your server wisely, and you'll get the kind of game you want.

Otherwise, just deal....


But if you think there's a general problem with gameplay, or a power/attack/move that is not balanced, by all means, speak up.

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Valid T


It's the same case with any game if there is a flaw there is always some chump who will use it to gain an unfair advantage.


As you said the patch does reduce this. I played on a server the other day with the patch and the gameplay was very good and fair


I also find some gamers a little arrogant sometimes. We were all newbies at some point in time and giving them grief about it in my eyes is very arrogant and totally uncalled for.


As I see you want to play with fire you have to be prepared to get burnt. :p

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Very true.


I'm by no means a newbie, but I didn't always own a copy of JKII, I had to start somewhere...


Thing is I have this thing called a JOB and a LIFE and can't play for 8 hours at a stretch....


I am, what they call in the parlance, a "casual" gamer. This does not make me a noob, but it also does not make me a hardcore player. I can generally hold my own, I just haven't played as much.

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Too true


Same here. This job thing can be a real bind ;)

I'm sure my other half would'nt appreciate me coming home and playing for 5 hours after work.


I tend to find look for players that I know are better than me as theis can only make me better. :)

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