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Torch problem


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I have a small but annoying problem. I've built some torches and put a runner with the small fire efx, and when I load the map up in the game the fire looks fine, but the brushes that make out the torch are flashing. Why, and how do I get rid of it??

This is driving me nuts...

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It's not flickering, it's flashing...


Hmm, let's see if I know this by heart... start with creating a fx_runner entity, then in properties enter key: fxFile Value: effects/env/small_fire.efx

Now you've got the fire. Then create something for the fire to burn on, and hope the darn brush doesn't flash like mine :)

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i have quite a fewtorches and the flickering you see is from the fire itself....you ever watch a fire burn in real life? it flashes and flickers....as does it happen in the game.....i dont think there is anything you can do about this.

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