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Need to know some good clans???


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I have joined a clan and found out they dont even play half the time

I am looking for a clan that plays at lest 3 times a week and has a large amount of players and likes to duke it out with other clans


For I wish to play at lest 3 or more times a week and when not playing other clans play eath other to tone our skills in combat.


If your clan fits this description Drop a line I would like to see you all and talk


I wish to show you formadable clans that I would be a great assett for your Clan......


Thank you and The Force is but a tool for a True Jedi not a Weapon..............................................................................


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I dont think that there is too many clans that fit the description you just described, it maybe that you have to search for a very long time or you will have too join one that meets less than you want coz most be do take their gaming serious but mangage to have a life outside gaming (no maluious intended). My clan is fairly active and usually have one or two people on line during most of the day so have a look at JMH ( http://www.chinchillapimp.com/jmh/ )

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