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Take your complaint to RAVEN

Lord Sokar

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I hate to add another 'THIS PATCH SUCKS' thread. But damn!


First of all, I am NOT a DFA whore. I do not play with weapons so that doesn't bother me. Thank you for the chat sign. I typically used yellow stance and after 2 weeks became extremely adept at dispatching people very quickly.


But now, this is garbage. I have NEVER seen a game so radically changed with a single patch. The biggest pro-patch argument being made is that it levels the playing field. So why did I bother practicing my saber technique only to have it all taken away?


In a 100 kill limit game, I used to score at least 25-30 kills, now I have every newbie in the world backstabing me with blue stance. I use to be very good at blue stance backstab, it took practice and could be a shocking way to kill someone (humiliating), now you can barely avoid backstabing with about 10 times the damage.


Instead of ranting on and on, we need to take this argument in a well thought out approach to Raven. 1.04 should take this game back to a game of skill, not one of random hits and blocks out the ying yang.


Could someone post contact information for Raven so we can start voicing our compliants to them directly? I would then encourage all of you (pro and against) to take it to Raven in a polite manor and let them know what we think.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

I hate to add another 'THIS PATCH SUCKS' thread. But damn!


You had to anyway? Couldn't add this to another thread? Sigh. Okers.


First of all, I am NOT a DFA whore. I do not play with weapons so that doesn't bother me. Thank you for the chat sign. I typically used yellow stance and after 2 weeks became extremely adept at dispatching people very quickly.


Be honest, did you twirl like Brian Boitano on crack at least 70% of the time? Even though you were winning, did you ever feel the game was cheapened by running into a crowd on a FFA no Sabers map and simply twirl around in the center getting a couple of kills?


I have NEVER seen a game so radically changed with a single patch. The biggest pro-patch argument being made is that it levels the playing field. So why did I bother practicing my saber technique only to have it all taken away?


You can't practice it again? Is your biggest anti-patch arguement you don't want to adapt?


In a 100 kill limit game, I used to score at least 25-30 kills, now I have every newbie in the world backstabing me with blue stance. I use to be very good at blue stance backstab, it took practice and could be a shocking way to kill someone (humiliating), now you can barely avoid backstabing with about 10 times the damage.


Yes you can. You can do a med finisher, roll, push, pull, grip... all on people who just turn around and do a backstab. It's not really a backstab, its a reverse thrust, a backstab would be is someone came up behind you and buried the saber into your upper torso.


Instead of ranting on and on, we need to take this argument in a well thought out approach to Raven. 1.04 should take this game back to a game of skill, not one of random hits and blocks out the ying yang.


No, I like this MORE. I like using all the stances-not just one. There is more skill now, along with faster reflexes, am I the only one that sees this? THe only response I get is "OMG NOW THERE ARE A MILLION AND ONE BLUE STANCE SPAMMERS" (which I haven't seen) LIKE they can't be countered with PUSH!!! Just like BEFORE!!


Judging from the amount of non-logical posts, I think the next patch Raven releases is going to turn this into Jk2:FORCE PONG!!!

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Originally posted by Dvlos

Be honest, did you twirl like Brian Boitano on crack at least 70% of the time? Even though you were winning, did you ever feel the game was cheapened by running into a crowd on a FFA no Sabers map and simply twirl around in the center getting a couple of kills?


Ok, honestly, no I DID NOT twirl past the first 3 days I played MP. In fact, people who were constantly twirling were the easiest to kill for me. I had a wicked left-right-left twirl X slash move that if placed at the head would end a match real fast. Now? As far as I can see, I can't even twirl to the left when I want to using the yellow stance! I too used every stance depending on the situation including blue, but my favorite yellow has been stripped of usefullness.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar


Ok, honestly, no I DID NOT twirl past the first 3 days I played MP. In fact, people who were constantly twirling were the easiest to kill for me. I had a wicked left-right-left twirl X slash move that if placed at the head would end a match real fast. Now? As far as I can see, I can't even twirl to the left when I want to using the yellow stance! I too used every stance depending on the situation including blue, but my favorite yellow has been stripped of usefullness.


You can still twirl with yellow just not more than once, before you have to change direction. And i think you can only do max 2 twirls in a row.. or use blue style.. try to spam and then die?

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