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Stealth III


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I recently 'upgraded' from a Voodoo3 to a Stealth III s540. now i get the famous 'cannot load opengl subsystem'. i know jko does not support stealth, but then again it doesnt support voodoo yet it ran beautifully after some tweaking. unfortunatly if have had some trouble finding decent drivers.... any help?

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They still have s540's floating around out there eh?

They've been discontinued for years I thought...


Anyway, you aren't going to find any updated drivers for that card. The best might be dated around the year 2000.


You can go to Diamonds website for drivers.

Diamond Support

You can try here under the drivers archive


or here under the drivers page.

Savage News

Look under the Savage 4 drivers section I believe.


I doubt you'll find any games that work well with it either, heh. That Stealth III s540 is by far the worst card for gaming I have ever had the opportunity of trying. I find it better for graphic work than gaming. I'd be suprised if it worked correctly with JO.

Believe it or not, your voodoo 3 will run anywhere from 10-25 FPS faster on an average game than the s540.

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I have the Stealth III and the demo ROCKS! I can play at the same detail levels + reolution as for Q3 aND the engine's been improoved so it looks even cooler!

I don't use the official drivers though, so I don't know what it will be like for all. (BTW I can't find aNY drivers that will let me play AVP2 or MoH).

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