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Droideka's and Droids


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Again I'm short on time but I just need to say a few things.

I'm new to mapmaking, or JK2 at least, and I'm bussy on a campaign (sorry for all you multiplayer folks) and it includes some Phantom Menace models. For example, I need the simple but effective droids from the Trade Federation badly.

I really must go now but I'm not finished yet. I'll keep it short.

- Droideka's/Destroyer Droids REAL FAST

- Trade Federation Attack Droids REAL FAST

- Pit Droids and other Droids of this kind NECESARY BUT CAN WAIT AS LONG AS THEI'RE COMING

- Some Naboo, Coruscant and Trade Federation Droid Control



I think I can get the Podracer models from the Star Wars Podracer CD, if not than it's also a must have.


P.S. Does anyone know how to make water and/or ferns and trees and stuff like "it's-green-and-not-a-flat-texture"?


Youssa mighting be hearing from messa. Youssa gets it?(Kill Him!!)

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That's Great Madjai!!!!!!!

Tell me as soon as you're finished with it.

You'll get a very special place in the README text concerning everybody who helped me! And trust me. That's not a negative thing!


Once again I tell you: That's Great Madjai!!!!!!!

But ehmm.... do you know how long it will take?

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Wow!!! Though it's not yet finished (I hope) it's well on it's way.

Question: did you make that? Because in that case you don't deserve the name Bantha Fodder but Saviour Of Gideon's Campaign or something.


Tell me when it's done!!!

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It's me again (ohh ****!)!!!!


I'm gonna send a couple of screenshots from my level in a few hours to this Forum but again I have a model question:


- The Naboo Spacefighter.


And to omses; no that's the mirror, the real Droideka can be seen at


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Well, maybe not a complete remodel, just the structure that connects the top to the bottom, and the arms. Those suck up most polys. ErionD, your droideka is looking v. good aswell, just one question i simply must ask, how many polys? :p

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Sorry, I've been away for quit some time which is also cause of the LucasForum overload yesterday but mostly because it was night here in Holland.


Anyway, Berserk, that one is great, I'm stunned. and ErionD, keep up the good work. They both look great and I can't wait until they are finished.


I'll be away most of the day and tomorrow because tomorrow I'm having my birthday and I'll have to do some food-shopping.


Has anybody heard from Madjai's Droid lately? It seems that he's not interested in finishing it or something.


Oh, yea, a small question. Is the Droideka gonna have shields like in the movie ? And another one, can somebody give me the tool you're using for the modeling plus a small tutorial? I'd be most thankfull.

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Ahh Madjai! I was wondering where you could have been all these days without to the thread/topic we need you most.


Anyway, today is m birthday and I got some good Star Wars stuff:

soundtrack: The Phantom Menace

soundtrack: Attack Of The Clones

The Official Film Guide (yes that's a book)


And it is still morning (here at least)

Though I won't have much time to do some mapping I think I will be on the Forum.

Another thing. The sreenshots might take a while because I can't seem to get the lights working again in this map.

I'll sent them as soon as I have them.


By the way (again) does anybody know how to play the Attack Of The Clones CD on your computer because mine is from...well..that producer that made it impossible to play it on your computer.

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I listened to the CD of the Phantom Menace and....yach!!!!!

I'm really going to be depressed because this is not worthy of the name Star Wars! It has been performed by another orchestra which would be more like computer made sounds.

But I don't want to hurt my brother's feelings so I have a very important question.

Does somebody know where I can download the CD and I mean the whole CD and not just 30 minutes of that thing.

Any help would be appreciated.

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