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New patch impressions


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Well first I hated the thing because I couldn't join any multiplayer games, but now that I can join it's ok. There are a few things that bother me about it thought. Does anyone else find the keyboard on top of the character thing pointless? You can tell if someone is doing something just by looking at their character and now dishonorable people will be able to tell who is open for attack much easier than before. One other thing that really bothers me is the saber style. Does anyone else thing it was like swinging a baseball bat before and now it's like going around swinging a whiffle bat? Yeah you can swing the saber much faster with blue and yellow mode but it doesn't do any damage. At least they did tone down some of the things with it. The heavy repeater for example now takes 25 to shoot out the blue orb and I know it didn't take that much before. I always liked using grip but I think it's good they toned it down a little it is a lot slower and a little bit harder to throw people off edges with it. I haven't tried health or drain, but one thing I did notice in the games I joined was that people now tend to use lightning a lot more than before because it wasn't toned down. It was like half the people were using that and the other people were using absorb. Push and pull seem to be the exact same which doesn't make sense cosidering those are two of the most powerful over used force powers in the game.


The patch makes it like playing another game, but everyone kept whining about everything in the game so I guess you got what you asked for. I hope you're happy.

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Originally posted by JNO_Blues

Does anyone else find the keyboard on top of the character thing pointless? You can tell if someone is doing something just by looking at their character


i don't think the keyboard is pointless at all. with the keyboard enabled you can tell whether the person is typing/reconfiguring the settings or is just waiting for you to make one move. sure you could tell that if you started to run around the person circlewise (typing persons can't/won't turn around), but why bothering circling around when you can see it in one second.


i also think that making the saber do less damage was a good idea. now the actual fight takes more time, thus you can do more combos, more parries, more everything and you don't get killed one second after you entered the game because of a lucky swing that hit you

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