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i need modelling help


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ok in vampire i used milkshape and i got very very good at modelling under the watchful eye of my friend the great Blue Orb.. she and i spoke long on making models and help me on my first project.. since then i made others.. that community is now defunct that game is stale.. my work lost in the sands of time.. oh well.. but now i have a new question.. Can you take model parts from pre existing models in game and transfer them to other models in game such as.. could you say.. take a head from the jedi trainer and put it on the shadow trooper body.. and if this could be done please explain how.. again i only have milk shape and the tools for this game that were available.. any feedback would be killer!

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as far as i know you cant convert the current models in the game in the format that they are in (something like ghoul 2, .glm)


the only models given by raven are the stormtroopers and kyles and they are in .xsi format found in the tools you say you have.


ive tried using milkshape to open the .xsi files but they dont include the bones or tags so all you get is the meshes, however 3ds max can open them with everything, which is super for making your own model.

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Well... vampire was a like a walk in the park compared to JO's models. I too modeled for vampire and it was the Orbalite that got me started with a few pointers... send her my best regards if you still talk to her. Tell her I'm doing fine and it might be thx to those few first pointers. :)


Back to JO's models.


Yup.. you can do that, but only if you could convert the glm's which you cant at this point. In the future when glm conversion is possible then we are cleared for making such easy alterations.


If you need anything else inside our present capabilities please lemme know.


The trainer is a very good model.. i just dont like that hairball on the back of his head.. i woul do a long ponytail or something :p


be good.

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mucho appreciated sir and yes Monica is well i talked to her a few days ago on icq... I just want to create my own model for this game to personify it to me.. sort of a avatar of myself much like i did with vampire.. tho i couldnt post my first model because hehehe it was x rated (gangrels ya know) hehe although he would have made many men very very jealous lol.. any way.. i just downloaded spacermonkey's aurra sing model and it is excellent and this is just what this community needs.. now if only raven would do something about the incredibly lame blue saber stance and bring back the yellow the way it was.. and further more make modelling much easier for folk like me with nothin better to do than skin skin skin

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