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Hierarchy question...


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thanks a bunch ! yeah that makes sence :)


also, maybe a really lame question, so u dont have to answer it, but is there a way in max4 to define hierarchy, without actually linking all the objects with a button.... i mean is there a possibility to just modify hierarchy through the names of the objects, rather than again, clicking each and every one of them?


also my whole model is completely dysected right now, is there a command in MAX4 to alligh all of the parts to each other?


as i said, these are questions that i shouldn't be asking, coz basically all of this stuff is in my max books, but if anybody knows the answers and have time to quilkly reply, that would save me a tonn of work...


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no prob, thank anyhow....


my model is actually comming along, i cant believe i've got this far, heh..... tags should be easy to place. All i have to figure out is that hierarchy thing, and after that im all set for bones, and animation.... this i have no clue how to do it though... none of my books go into much of detail on bones, and skin modifier... ill have to find some kind of tutorial... other than that.... model is pretty much done.

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