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Skill vs. credibility


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I think that the credibility of anyone posting on these message boards is directly related to their skill as a jedi knight player.


Whenever someone posts something stupid, it is because they "have no skill." This is obviously true because it comes from the more skilled, credible players. The logic is simple, if you don't like the game it is because you suck at it.


From now on, anyone posting any sort of negative critisism of the game should be labelled a no-skill-bum and their posts should be in a different colour so that the rest of us forum goers can avoid their unskilled-at-jedi-knight opinions. Also, they should not be allowed to join a server where us skilled-bums are playing.


This advancement in credibility-detecting technology could also be used in other fields. For example, police, instead of giving polygraph tests, could simply play suspects in jedi knight and rate their l337 5kiLLs. Also, we should get to watch potential presidents of the united states of america play jedi knight before we vote, so we can see how valid their opinions are.



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I know it was meant as [edit][edit], but for some reason, I'd really love to see presidential canditates fight each other at a game where they have to hack limbs off each other. I'm a sadist. I know. ;P

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I can't speak for his other threads, but this one was literally *dripping* with concentrated sarcasm and irony from every pore ;]


Btw, that "BAN HIM" picture of yours is seeing quite a lot of use lately. It's almost getting as common as the violins. Are you running out of fresh pictures to entertain us with? ;]

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