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new way to saber duel


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Has anyone here ever played die by the sword?

if so ..i was thinking...that maybe a saber could be altered to do the be used the same way as in that game...the freedom that this style allows is phenominal...

when you swing your mouse your saber swings the same way.

and say that your taking a a downward slash and all the suddenyou want to take it to the left ...you can...and there is no waiting for the last animation to finish...since there are really no animations for the saberfighting...

basically it would work the same way a waist works...like when you look up or down ect.. ect...

however fast you move the mouse... is how hard you swings...(cause it follows the exact movements of the mouse)

sorry for rambling on but im trying to explain this so peeps that... haven't played it can understand how it works...


it would take some code....(probably alot) but the added control would actually put the real skill in jk2...


if anyone wants to give it a try... let me know....i cant do any coding myself cause i dont know how to code... but maybe someone with a little background can come up with the right formula...


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