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Hey Raven, I hope you have learned a lesson here.


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Originally posted by geronimo27


Actually, they did a number of things wrong.


They made HUGE changes in the gameplay of a game that changed the playstyle of the game dramatically.


They unbalanced what was already balanced, and broke what was already fixed.


And they split the JK2 community in half - huge no no for a game.


ok look, I'm gonna give the new patch a try and hopefully become a good fighter again. But I don't see how you can't say that Raven really made a big mistake here. If they wanted to fix gameplay they should have done it in increments. Not all at once. They did create a huge rift in the community, which was one of their most valuable assets. I mean, what did they expect when they put this patch out? that was their biggest mistake.


i appreciate the fact that Raven tried to improve gameplay, but they really should have taken a step back and looked at both the pros and cons of making so many huge changes. Look at the number of threads on these forums concerning the patch. They're not there just because all of a sudden the forums spawned hordes of whiners. They're there because all of a sudden there is a very big division here, and Raven have only themselves to blame.

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Originally posted by ninelives

they remove the cheap move but also add in new cheap move.


which is......

back stab


That move has always been in the game, though there are claims it is stronger than before(?). It is just more prominant because the "I only know/use 1 move" spammers have moved on to it from the DFA, which is still effective in the right, skilled hands.


As for the gun folks who are complaining, you knew with all of the bit**ing about the guns there was going to be changes. Instead of telling all of the complainers to shut up, deal with it, or go to sabre only servers, you should have been suggesting acceptable changes to the guns. Perhaps some of you did, but I cannot recall. So blame yourselves, Raven was listening.

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Originally posted by geronimo27


Actually, they did a number of things wrong.


They made HUGE changes in the gameplay of a game that changed the playstyle of the game dramatically.


They unbalanced what was already balanced, and broke what was already fixed.


And they split the JK2 community in half - huge no no for a game.


i can tell right now that your not that bright..."they unbalanced what was already balanced"?????? how the hell is having 8 out of 10 people in a ffa room dfa spamming balanced...how did blocking lightsabers ruin the game


broke what was already fixed...lemee guess, you were a dfa spammer, a drain whore, a grip monkey, and you spend half of your time playing making bad comments towards "noobs"...look at the game from a point of view like someone wanted to play for a fun, jedi related game, and not a bunch of whiny idiots who are mad because they cant spam people as much anymore, get off it


Space Monkey §ß

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(reposted from another thread, think it applies here)


I'd like to take this time to applaud the people being polite and reasonable in their complaints. They're most likely the only people that Raven will actually bother reading. And with damn good reason.


Here's a few tips, guys:


1.) As soon as you use the word "gay" or have "*****" in a post.... the dev will most likely skip over it. The same goes for any insults toward them.

You've already paid for the game. Your actual transaction is over. They have no obligation to sit there and take insults from someone on a message board. They DO have an obligation to make the game better. So they'll listen to those who want to be reasonable and make the game better, not just make the game better for themselves.


2.) There's complaining, and there's whining. If they don't take whining from their own children, why would they take it from you? Contrary to popular belief, there IS a way to complain without being a jerk about it.


3.) You are NOT (n-o-t, not) married to a weapon in the game. If you happen to not like the way a weapon works, use one that you have more fun with. Ask for them to make the other weapon better, and wait it out until the next patch. If you really really want to use the other weapon, then either stay with the old patch or get used to it being harder. Someone with "skill" can adapt. If you can't adapt to some changes, how can you claim to have any "skill" at all? Do what is most fun for you. You're not beign tortured into any decision here.


4.) Clans didn't pay more for the game than anyone else. Nor do they support the community more than anyone else. Clans TEND to be more elitist than the rest of the community (and yes, i'm in clans and competitive play, so I am speaking from experience). Saying "THE CLANS DON'T LIKE IT" isn't going to intimidate the developers. At all.


5.) They do want to fix the game, and don't happen to have a bias towards those who use a certain weapon. They MADE all the weapons. If they didn't like a weapon, they probably wouldn't have put it in the game. They aren't sitting back going "HAW HAW! Look at dem silly gun uzerz! We shur showd thm!". You all paid for the game, they want ALL of you to buy their future games, so they are going to try to make it an enjoyable experience for as many people as possible. Their job is to make games for people. They aren't going to try to screw you over for the sake of screwing you over.


Developers will listen to those who help them the most. Calling them gay isn't helping them. Insulting them isn't helping them. Going "this entire patch sucks" doesn't help them either. And certainly refraining from telling them what they're doing RIGHT just for the sake of being stubborn, is not helping them.


You should have learned this in kindergarten: Play nice with others, and you'll get to use more toys.

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Well said Xombie. :)


You're totally right in everything you say there.


I too wasn't too pleased with the patch when I first played it, after all I had got used to how things worked, and had some good tactics and techniques for winning saber battles and the patch did make some major changes which neutralised some of my best moves. :(


However, after persevering, I have got used to the new styles (blue style is actually useful now, and yellow and red are more balanced than before, to which end I now use all 3 styles, whereas before I only ever used yellow) an I have developed some new techniques and moves to use and I rather like it now.


So, no complaints here, well played, Raven, you listened to what the majority of the community were asking for and implemented changes to give them what they wanted.

With any change, you'll inevitably pi$$ some people off (usually the ones who are afraid of changes), but like I say, Raven have made the changes that the majority asked for, so well done.

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I started using a backstab combo about 2 weeks into playing jk2


The only reason its so pwrfull now is cause players are not ping ponged off hits.


IE before when you where move to the ground u could jump up and hope for the saber to throw you realy far away.


Now the saber passes threw you doing dmg on both ends of the move


there for ending the poor newbs life who hasnt a clue



And your right Raven did even out the playing field.


Now 99% of my timed shots dont get threw.


And one move is so pwrfull it can kill 3 people at once.



I removed 1.03 logged onto my fav 1.02 ctf server.


The enemy flag runner runs around a door..


First sword swing i make i timed it to meet the guy as he came out the other side. hit him square in the forhead.


In 1.03? woulda been blocked


in 1.02? Dead flag carrier




Why this patch is stupid.


Do you think a house owner would come to his home he purchased one day and find the building contracter had totaly removed the house and put in a parking lot so he could add better parking for his neighbors the Duelest. Do you the think the house owner.... better known as Ctf saber/force only combat. would like the changes he never knew where comming ?


Heck no. I think the guy would be incredbly frustrated.



I had absolutly NO qualms with the game that was out of the box.


Probably the best game ive ever played as a fps.


My house was perfect. but someone turned into better parking for the duelest without me knowning.



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